ASC Combinations


We will be updating the combinations to the club facilities next Saturday May 22nd, 2021. At that point you will need to utilize the new combination issued with your new membership card. Membership cards went out in the past couple weeks, and may be arriving throughout next week, which contributed to the boards decision to postpone the combination change until the 22nd. Until then the combination from last year will work.

If you haven’t paid for your ASC membership yet for the year, or received an invoice certainly reach out to us ([email protected]).

Happy Shooting !

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Canceled for May 8th

The Service Rifle & Zombie Match for May 8th has been Canceled.. and also the June match will be canceled.. Due to a scheduling snafu with the match director and on going range work..
Range will be open if members want to hold a practice or shooting, just no matches.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Be safe and see you in 2 months!

RSO Need Covered

Folks – Thank you as always for your offers.  The need for the Boy Scout RSO has been filled. I appreciate the fast responses.  This is why I love this club!



RSO Needed!  Please Help!

Folks, We have a Boy Scout Troop that has rented the 50 yd range on May 8 from 9 to 4.  This is a great way to get some service hours!  If you are able to help the scouts out, please get in touch with Scott Sampson at [email protected].

Thank you!!!


May Day Bowling Pin Match Results

It was truly a beautiful day at the range. I am not certain why we are not drawing more shooters. Perhaps it is the availability of ammunition. We can’t fix that, but if it is something else, we’d sure like to know. Reach out to our resident pinhead in training at [email protected]. For those of your lucky enough to make it to the range today, the scores are posted below. The next match is Saturday, June 5th. See you then


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 3.93 2.86 3.74 6.78 17.31 2.86
2 Taylor Strickland 6.23 5.55 5.13 2.88 19.79
3 Steven Gordon 6.03 5.75 3.78 4.26 19.82
4 Courtney Bolze 3.93 5.72 6.83 7.05 23.53
5 Charles Lankford 3.02 9.62 6.82 7.44 26.90
NFS Terry Miltier 5.77 3.67 8.06 4.79 22.29 3.67
1 Terry Miltier 6.74 5.79 9.06 4.14 25.73
2 Steven Gordon 6.25 7.82 5.47 7.78 27.32
3 Charles Lankford 9.45 9.07 5.82 5.55 29.89
4 Joe Ford 10.20 13.06 8.99 8.00 40.25
5 Art Schoner 12.96 14.81 10.30 8.80 46.87
6 Taylor Strickland 7.33 11.26 5.56 25.00 49.15
7 Courtney Bolze 25.00 35.00 6.13 4.91 71.04
8 Rob Maine 35.00 65.00 11.32 10.46 121.78
1 Terry Miltier 5.27 5.43 4.36 4.12 19.18 4.12
2 Steven Gordon 9.72 5.70 9.46 8.77 33.65
NFS Terry Miltier 9.43 8.61 5.28 12.17 35.49
3 Charles Lankford 14.72 9.66 7.67 7.02 39.07
4 Courtney Bolze 9.75 7.30 13.67 9.65 40.37
5 Art Schoner 8.22 11.06 35.00 10.07 64.35
6 Rob Maine 25.00 55.00 25.00 25.00 130.00
7 Taylor Strickland 65.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 160.00
1 Courtney Bolze 7.40 4.69 4.92 4.85 21.86
2 Charles Lankford 7.25 4.29 6.96 5.75 24.25 4.29
3 Art Schoner 10.42 7.89 6.87 7.11 32.29
4 Joe Ford 6.80 7.41 12.77 8.48 35.46
5 Terry Miltier 35.00 6.60 5.72 4.70 52.02
6 Rob Maine 6.57 25.00 35.00 6.10 72.67
7 Steven Gordon 35.00 25.00 25.00 12.79 97.79
8 Taylor Strickland 35.00 25.00 12.37 55.00 127.37
1 Taylor Strickland 6.67 8.58 8.10 5.79 29.14 5.79
2 Courtney Bolze 11.96 5.42 12.79 11.57 41.74
3 Charles Lankford 6.05 8.05 8.28 25.00 47.38
4 Rob Maine 10.83 25.00 9.77 10.35 55.95
5 Art Schoner 12.18 11.57 25.00 14.18 62.93
6 Steven Gordon 10.64 10.06 45.00 7.29 72.99
7 David Lampe 55.00 8.99 12.30 35.00 111.29
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Charles Lankford 26.90 29.89 39.07 24.25 47.38 167.49
Courtney Bolze 23.53 71.04 40.37 21.86 41.74 198.54
Art Schoner 17.31 46.87 64.35 32.29 62.93 223.75
Steven Gordon 19.82 27.32 33.65 97.79 72.99 251.57
Taylor Strickland 19.79 49.15 160 127.37 29.14 385.45

May Day Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

We are looking forward to a beautiful Saturday for the May Bowling Pin Match. The event is on Saturday, May 1st at 9:30 at the Airfield Club Shooting range in stunning Wakefield, VA. So if your race .38 Super jammed (repeatedly) last month, or even if it didn’t, its time for another shot at redemption. All of your friends (or perhaps your new friends) will be at the match. Nothing has changed, but you can brush up on the rules and directions to the range at And if you have specific questions, feel free to reach out to our assistant adjunct pin sommelier at [email protected]. See you Saturday,


Work Party – Sat. April 24 @ 10am

Work party… Saturday, April 24th, starting at 10am – until we finish…

This is a maintenance and cleanup work party.. We will be doing;
Berms on the 50m and 100m range,
Rebuilding frames for the 50m and 100m ranges,
Redo the wall with sealer,

You will need..
Woodworking tools.. circular saws, cord less drills, saws, hammers, etc…
Landscaping tools, shovels, picks, rakes, etc…  Painting / sealer tools…

If you have some free time this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours.
If you have any questions… Please contact [email protected]  or Contact here

(Some Ranges will be Close during the work party… check with the XO)

ASC Virtual Training Class

Fellow members, please join us for virtual training on Gun Storage.  Maybe you are new to shooting or perhaps you want to learn about some of the pros and cons about different storage options you were considering.  Stop in to our virtual classroom and get some sound advice from ASC’s Chief Instructor Scott Sampson.

When: April 21st
Time: 7:00 PM

See ya there!


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