Defensive Pistol Match .. Saturday August 30th
It’s that time again, Defensive Pistol match time… this our 2nd match of the year will be held on Saturday August 30th on our 50 yard range.No prior experience is required and is open to anyone that wants to either participate or watch the event. More information here… Match information: Set-up: 8 am – 10 am on the 50 yard range. Staff and SO’s shoot: 10 am – 11 am 1. Squad: 11 am – 1 pm (NOTE: Set up crew has priority to shoot in Squad 1) 2. Squad: 1 pm – 3 pm3. Squad: 3 pm – 4 pm STAGES: Course of Fire Stage briefs will be conducted before each new squad starts shooting. Upon request, a new shooter orientation will be conducted 15 min prior to the stage brief. Please indicate interest when signing up. ADVANCE EMAIL SIGN-UP: Send a note to [email protected] and indicate your first and second squad preference. Sign-up opens the Friday 8 days in advance of the match, at 12:01 am. Earlier requests will be disregarded. Slots will be filled in the order received. Pre-registration will close Friday, 12 noon, the day before the match. Shooters will be notified via email about their …