Friends of NRA Banquet – Feb 3

Fellow members, As an NRA member you may not be aware of the Friends of the NRA.  It is the portion of the NRA that does education and programs like (Women on Target, Eddie eagle and more), otherwise know as the Foundation.  Because this portion is non-profit, the foundation does not do any of the lobbing or politicking.  The Friends of NRA raises money to provide grants to non-profits.  No salaries are paid for from the money we raise, all profits go towards grants. In 2023 in the state of Virginia we provided grants to the following:     •4-H Shooting programs – $136,611     •Boy Scout Shooting Programs – $74,637     •Youth Shooting Programs- $86,889     •JROTC Shooting Programs- $32,597     •College Shooting Teams – $25,928     •Ranges/Education – $19,090     •LE & Veteran programs – $14,880 We can provide these grants because of money raised at banquets such as the one schedule by the Tidewater Friends of NRA.  The charity event involves games, raffles, and a live auction as well as dinner.  It is a great event serving a great cause.  You can purchase individual tickets for $100 each or you can …

Need some last minute Holiday Gift ideas????

Airfield Shooting club has some exciting training classes that will be coming up.  Please mark your calendars and let me know if you are interested.  PLEASE DO NOT PAY in advance.  If you do and we don’t have room for the class, then it painful for us to refund your money.  Some of these might make the perfect Holiday Gift!!!! Jan 17th (Wednesday) –  Situational Awareness the beginning to the best defense.  This will be a FREE Online Course 7-8:30 PM.  This course will be an online class offered by Scott Sampson and part of USCCA’s Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.  Learn about the Color Codes, what to look for, how to walk, where to walk, etc.  Criminals look for victims that are not paying attention.  Learn how to be a harder target!  For questions or the link to attend email [email protected]   Feb 10th  (Saturday) – ASC First Steps Class with a legal review for concealed carry and the use of deadly force. This will be a $65.00 donation.  For more details visit:   Feb 17th (Monday) – How make your Home, your Castle!  This course will be a FREE online class offered by Scott Sampson and part …

Pistol Marksmanship 101 – Nov 18th

What:  This 4 hour pistol shooting class will be a for fine tuning the basics of marksmanship with a handgun.  We will progress from the very basics improving your fundamentals into starting to push speed vs accuracy.  We will also explore two hand vs one hand shooting. This is open to members and their family.  Spots will be limited so before paying please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected] to reserve your spot today. When: Nov 18, 1 to 5 pm Details: We will cover the following: Review of Fundamentals (30 min): Aiming (sight picture/sight alignment/focus) Trigger control (where to place finger/how to press) Breath Control Hold control – (grip) Follow Thorough Precision shooting – slow fire (two handed) (45 min ~80 rounds): Work on shooting tight groups focusing on fundamentals – targets at 10 or 15’ Blank target Then a NRA qual target – complete a qual level Then an AP2 target – just to give a target for them to look at (when we don’t them to focus on it Dot target – Challenge drill One handed shooting – Slow fire (45 min ~40 rounds) – target at 10 or 15’ Shoot the NRA qualification target again one handed …

Only 7 Spots Left for Women On Target (Oct 28th)

Only 7 spots left before we start putting folks on the wait list.  Don’t be Tardy to the Party! Women On target Event at Airfield Shooting Club in Wakefield Virgina! The event is being hosted by Airfield Shooting Club. This one to be held on Oct 28th. So why attend this one? We are doing this a little different with a more opportunities than we have done in the past. Attendees will have the opportunity to take beginner classes in Shotgun, Rifle, Archery and either a Beginner OR Advanced Pistol (you cannot do both). In addition, this session we will also offer an emergency medical session that you can go to instead of one of the sessions above! We have some exciting changes we are trying to implement in this session to make it better than it was. Please do not wait to sign up and pay! We are expecting a large turn out so spots will fill up quickly. Please visit our web site to see more and register.

Women On Target – Oct 28th!

Good Evening, We have another Women On target Event!  This one to be held on Oct 28th at Airfield Shooting club.  So why attend this one? We are doing this a little different with a more opportunities. Attendees will have the opportunity to take beginner classes in Shotgun, Rifle, Archery and either a Beginner OR Advanced Pistol (you cannot do both).  In addition, this session we will also offer an emergency medical session that you can go to instead of one of the sessions above! We have some exciting changes we are trying to implement in this session to make it better than it was. Please do not wait to sign up and pay!  We are expecting a large turn out so spots will fill up quickly. Please visit our web site to see more and register. Respectfully, Scott Sampson Chief Instructor ASC #762

Trap an Skeet RSOs Needed Sept 23rd

We are in need of two RSOs for a Peninsula Community Chapel Mens Retreat.  I will need an RSO for the Trap Field and one for the Skeet Field.  It is anticipated to meet 3 service hours. The event will run form 10-12 but require 30 min setup and clean up on each side. Each RSO is required to be qualified to open and operate the fields.  If you have a current combination and RFID card, you are qualified. If interested please contact the Scott Sampson at [email protected]. Thank you! Scott

Shotgun RSOs need for the 5th!

Need some service hours?  Like Ducks Unlimited?  Been qualified to open the shotgun range?  Then we need you! I need two volunteers to support a Duck’s Unlimited event being held on our skeet field August 5th.   It will run from 2 until 4:30PM.  I need someone that can open the shotgun range up for them.  The Center will provide them a card for clays. If available please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected]. Thank you! Scott    

Election Results

We had 35 members (including board members) present for this morning’s election breakfast. The results have been tallied & certified and your new board for the next year is as follows: President: Art Schoner Vice President: Tim Drewry Secretary: Lena Eljaiek Treasurer: Kirk Culpepper Maintenance Officer: Cory Allen Chief Instructor: Scott Sampson Shotgun Director: Brenda Norton Webmaster: Kyle McClammy Newsletter Editor: Tom Sanford Assistant Secretary: Vacant Provost: Mark Fitzmorris Orientation Director: Gregg Shelton Director: Dale Mullin Director: Mark Lawler Director: Taylor Strickland Director: Fletcher Dunton Director: Frank Sanders Congratulations to all the new/remaining board members.

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