Bushnell Scout 1000 ARC Laser Range Finder Review
The Bushnell Scout 1000 Arc laser range finder is designed for hunters. The Scout has Bushnell’s Angle Range Compensation (ARC) technology that allows the user to quickly and accurately find the range even from angled terrain. The Bow mode gives short-range horizontal distance, while the rifle mode gives long-range distance. The rangefinder is accurate within a yard and can range up to 1000 yards against the correct type of target. The Scout 1000 is compact and lightweight, easily fitting into your shirt pocket. The Scout 1000 is weather-proof, but not waterproof, that could be an important distinction. The rangefinder comes in box along with a case, manual, and a CD with electronic versions of the manual. The case is rather nice and uses a magnetic fastener instead of velcro to help keep it quiet in the woods. The rangefinder fits neatly in one hand and is comfortable to hold. Attempting to use the mode button will usually require a second hand and it helps to use both hands to keep everything steady. One of the secrets to laser rangefinders is that the range is highly dependent upon the type of target. A lightly colored target …