The Drip Dry Pin Match Results

As I like to say when I get off of an airplane, “we tempted the fates and made it again.” Yet another rain threatened, hot and humid match is in the books. Our next exciting match is scheduled for October 5th. Until then, you can go to the range and practice and study these results.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Ray Neiderhiser 5.09 5.52 5.21 6.80 22.62 5.09
2 Joe Ford 7.49 12.31 8.84 12.83 41.47
3 Chris Covert 25.00 12.80 8.92 25.00 71.72
4 Courtney Bolze 6.67 13.39 45.00 35.00 100.06
5 Kenneth Clark 55.00 45.00 65.00 35.00 200.00
1 Ray Neiderhiser 5.03 9.19 7.49 5.22 26.93 5.03
2 Courtney Bolze 6.93 8.73 4.75 13.99 34.40
3 Joe Ford 6.52 14.10 3.80 11.03 35.45
4 Art Schoner 14.23 10.08 6.90 9.12 40.33
5 Kenneth Clark 6.13 9.71 9.26 25.00 50.10
6 Roy Simmons 5.14 45.00 12.86 8.08 71.08
7 Brian Howell 45.00 35.00 14.13 55.00 149.13
8 Don Aubuchon 65.00 35.00 45.00 55.00 200.00
1 Kenneth Clark 6.83 8.33 5.39 8.11 28.66 5.39
2 Jonathan Ryan 6.20 9.18 8.64 7.49 31.51
3 Roy Simmons 9.42 9.97 7.27 6.09 32.75
4 Ray Neiderhiser 8.10 8.22 8.24 9.07 33.63
5 Brian Howell 10.86 11.94 9.13 6.78 38.71
NFS Jonathan Ryan 12.67 9.46 7.61 9.81 39.55
6 Tyler Craig 13.70 10.07 9.38 8.84 41.99
NFS Jonathan Ryan 9.18 13.67 6.38 14.08 43.31
7 Art Schoner 10.80 11.71 25.00 8.83 56.34
8 Courtney Bolze 6.07 9.50 7.58 35.00 58.15
NFS Tyler Craig 45.00 25.00 10.05 10.59 90.64
9 Don Aubuchon 14.84 55.00 10.02 35.00 114.86
10 Chris Covert 35.00 85.00 35.00 75.00 230.00
1 Courtney Bolze 6.25 7.68 5.39 5.10 24.42 5.10
2 Joe Ford 6.09 9.43 6.34 6.11 27.97
3 Roy Simmons 25.00 7.58 4.55 6.43 43.56
4 Art Schoner 7.06 6.58 25.00 6.52 45.16
5 Ray Neiderhiser 35.00 6.12 5.97 6.33 53.42
6 Don Aubuchon 10.99 9.51 25.00 25.00 70.50
7 Chris Covert 35.00 35.00 13.86 35.00 118.86
8 Brian Howell 35.00 45.00 25.00 25.00 130.00
1 Ray Neiderhiser 5.51 5.90 6.86 6.06 24.33
2 Courtney Bolze 7.21 6.27 7.58 5.32 26.38 5.32
3 Brian Howell 8.18 6.77 12.77 9.57 37.29
4 Kenneth Clark 6.99 15.00 12.63 5.99 40.61
5 Terry Miltier 8.82 25.00 10.59 6.63 51.04
6 Chris Covert 14.06 11.46 35.00 35.00 95.52
7 Roy Simmons 35.00 35.00 25.00 12.73 107.73
8 Art Schoner 25.00 10.95 10.31 65.00 111.26
9 Don Aubuchon 55.00 25.00 35.00 35.00 150.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Ray Neiderhiser 22.62 26.93 33.63 53.42 24.33 160.93
Courtney Bolze 100.06 34.4 58.15 24.42 26.38 243.41

The Drip Dry Bowling Pin Match Starts Early

Greetings Shooters,

The September Airfield Drip Dry Bowling Pin match is on for this Saturday September 7th. PLEASE NOTE THE SET UP TIME FOR THIS MATCH IS 9AM. Love is in the air and there is a wedding at the Center this Saturday afternoon. Since we cannot shoot after 2 PM, we want to get an early start. Directions to the range and rules for the match are at Specific questions should be directed to our assistant senior pinhead at


ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Saturday, Aug 10th @ 9:30am

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match will take place this Saturday, August 10th @ 9:30am
We will start later in the morning to avoid the sun in the eyes and sights that happens in the summer.
Weather should be nice and cooler that last month.. but still warm so.. remember your sun block and water 😉

ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range.
Check-in will begin at 9am with safety brief at 9:30am. followed by the relays.
Match fee is $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.

You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.

Dog Daze Bowling Pin Match Results

I’d like to thank all of our shooters for coming out in the heat of August for the match. Many of you stayed until the end to assist with breakdown. You match directors appreciate your help. There were some really nice scores recorded and the rest of us got to shoot too. They are posted below for your viewing pleasure. Our next match is Saturday, September 7th.


August 2019 Pin Match Results
Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
Carbine 1 Steven Gordon 3.09 3.15 2.59 2.61 11.44 2.59
2 Art Schoner 3.27 3.08 2.84 4.99 14.18
3 Dennis Bondi 3.62 7.28 6.29 4.71 21.90
4 Kenneth Clark 4.30 6.67 10.95 3.47 25.39
5 Courtney Bolze 8.86 13.39 7.12 11.63 41.00
1 Courtney Bolze 6.04 6.68 7.13 5.99 25.84 5.99
2 Joe Ford 6.10 6.61 7.76 8.52 28.99
3 Roy Simmons 10.20 6.92 6.27 9.00 32.39
4 Brian Howell 9.79 8.43 6.32 35.00 59.54
5 Art Schoner 7.49 8.12 9.62 35.00 60.23
6 Steven Gordon 12.76 25.00 11.59 11.74 61.09
7 Dennis Bondi 35.00 35.00 14.20 35.00 119.20
8 Matthew Strevig 8.75 35.00 55.00 35.00 133.75
9 Kevin Curtis 55.00 65.00 45.00 55.00 220.00
1 Brian Howell 9.50 7.93 9.97 6.13 33.53 6.13
2 Roy Simmons 8.82 7.32 7.02 10.47 33.63
3 Courtney Bolze 10.03 13.02 9.21 9.66 41.92
4 Matthew Strevig 35.00 35.00 35.00 10.11 115.11
5 Dennis Bondi 25.00 55.00 12.82 25.00 117.82
6 Art Schoner 55.00 35.00 11.55 25.00 126.55
7 Don Aubuchon 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 240.00
8 Steven Gordon 75.00 75.00 85.00 45.00 280.00
9 Kevin Curtis 45.00 95.00 85.00 85.00 310.00
1 Courtney Bolze 6.12 6.56 6.71 9.19 28.58 6.12
2 Art Schoner 8.40 9.64 6.74 6.59 31.37
3 Dennis Bondi 12.24 35.00 8.50 6.52 62.26
4 Brian Howell 9.38 8.30 6.74 45.00 69.42
5 Don Aubuchon 25.00 8.82 25.00 25.00 83.82
6 Roy Simmons 35.00 25.00 35.00 8.97 103.97
7 Steven Gordon 55.00 25.00 10.51 14.81 105.32
8 Joe Ford 35.00 45.00 9.85 25.00 114.85
1 Courtney Bolze 7.44 5.57 8.85 8.42 30.28
2 Roy Simmons 10.05 8.07 25.00 8.02 51.14
3 Cal Genereux 6.60 25.00 9.11 12.14 52.85
4 Art Schoner 14.66 25.00 7.98 10.08 57.72
5 Steven Gordon 11.70 25.00 9.13 25.00 70.83
6 Kenneth Clark 45.00 25.00 10.72 7.91 88.63
7 Brian Howell 5.17 25.00 25.00 35.00 90.17
8 Dennis Bondi 35.00 10.97 45.00 10.04 101.01
9 Don Aubuchon 55.00 14.61 25.00 25.00 119.61
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Courtney Bolze 41.00 25.84 41.92 28.58 30.28 167.62
2 Art Schoner 14.18 60.23 126.55 31.37 57.72 290.05
3 Dennis Bondi 21.9 119.2 117.82 62.26 101.01 422.19
4 Steven Gordon 11.44 61.09 280 105.32 70.83 528.68


Dog Daze Bowling Pin Match

It’s going to be hot time at the range this Saturday morning, August 3rd when the ASC hosts its next installment of how the pins turn. Yes gentle shooters, it is the first Saturday of the month and that means Bowling Pin Shooting. We will set up at 9:30 in the morning. If you are uncertain about the match or its rules or need directions to our range, those can be found at For specific questions not covered on our site, please email our resident adjunct assistant chief pinhead at All of your friends will be there, so we will see you at the range this Saturday.


ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Saturday, July13th @ 9am

A HOT ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match will take place this Saturday, July13th @ 9am
Weather should be nice but hot.. Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 93F.. So remember your sun block and water 😉

ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range.
Check-in will begin at 8:30 with safety brief at 9:00. followed by the relays.
Match fee is $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.

You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.

July 2019 Bowling Pin Match Results

Greetings and sorry about the lateness of these results. Working for a living Blah Blah, Blah… Without further delay…


July 2019 Bowling Pin Match Results
Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Ray Neiderhiser 4.61 6.39 6.53 4.00 21.53 4.00
2 Dennis Bondi 4.99 4.08 6.94 5.59 21.6
3 Art Schoner 6.86 8.11 8.02 4.94 27.93
4 Chris Covert 8.41 8.78 10.06 7.61 34.86
5 Tom Aston 9.34 25 8 6.95 49.29
6 Kenneth Clark 4.67 55 4.71 3.68 68.06
1 Ray Neiderhiser 5.86 6.92 8.62 5.43 26.83 5.43
2 Tom Aston 7.5 7.16 8.54 9.11 32.31
3 Joe Ford 9.28 7.74 8.14 9.11 34.27
4 Art Schoner 7.94 8.1 10.31 11.82 38.17
5 Roy Simmons 5.53 11.25 35 8.24 60.02
6 Dennis Bondi 25 7.7 35 6.26 73.96
7 Andrew Kline 13.88 25 25 12.09 75.97
8 Brian Howell 25 5.33 10.79 45 86.12
NFS Frank Sanders 12.5 25 25 45 107.5
9 Frank Sanders 13.77 55 35 25 128.77
10 Chris Covert 55 65 65 55 240
1 Roy Simmons 6.76 5.95 10.51 5.85 29.07 5.85
2 Tom Aston 9.3 11.01 7.01 8.6 35.92
3 Ray Neiderhiser 8.77 9.85 11.47 8.02 38.11
NFS Roy Simmons 9.91 4.54 25 7.11 46.56
4 Brian Howell 25 7.88 8.19 6.53 47.6
5 Dennis Bondi 8.6 11.62 35 9.64 64.86
6 Art Schoner 25 12.94 25 35 97.94
7 Don Aubuchon 25 25 13 65 128
8 Chris Covert 35 45 45 95 220
1 Dennis Bondi 7.2 10.75 11.79 6.95 36.69 6.95
2 Don Aubuchon 10.8 25 8.08 25 68.88
3 Art Schoner 7.94 35 25 25 92.94
4 Joe Ford 13.88 9.8 35 35 93.68
5 Tom Aston 45 25 25 25 120
6 Chris Covert 35 45 14 35 129
NFS Cal Genereux 5.76 8.52 3.63 6.03 23.94
1 Ray Neiderhiser 7.98 6.2 9.18 7.33 30.69 6.20
2 Brian Howell 7.13 15 6.24 6.97 35.34
3 Art Schoner 10.54 9.68 6.39 11.28 37.89
4 Don Aubuchon 10.24 10.01 13.86 25 59.11
5 Tom Aston 35 7.7 12.59 8.89 64.18
6 Cal Genereux 7.41 6.54 55 8.47 77.42
7 David Pearson 35 13.43 25 14.8 88.23
8 Dennis Bondi 45 11.28 55 12.79 124.07
NFS David Pearson 11.65 14.82 45 55 126.47
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Art Schoner 27.93 38.17 97.94 92.94 37.89 294.87
2 Tom Aston 49.29 32.31 35.92 120.00 64.18 301.70
3 Dennis Bondi 21.60 73.96 64.86 36.69 124.07 321.18
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