November Bowling Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters,

We had an excellent day of both weather and friendship on our range today. The results featured some pitched battles for pin supremacy. In Carbine, the match was decided by under seven tenths of a second and the fastest string was a stingy one-one hundredth of a second. But this isn’t modern youth sports, so not everyone gets a trophy. Your results are listed below. We will see you at the last match of the season on December 5th.

Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Steven Gordon 3.87 2.47 6.16 3.72 16.22 2.47
2 Courtney Bolze 4.19 3.89 4.00 4.80 16.88
3 Art Schoner 3.83 7.28 4.55 4.03 19.69
4 Steve Johnson 5.99 9.63 3.56 2.48 21.66
5 Allen Moran 4.88 4.31 4.53 9.85 23.57
6 Taylor Strickland 8.24 7.24 4.55 4.44 24.47
7 Jesse Taylor 25.00 8.24 35.00 9.18 77.42
1 Allen Moran 7.57 5.42 5.90 8.67 27.56
2 Courtney Bolze 8.24 6.99 10.92 10.09 36.24
3 Joe Ford 11.64 25.00 13.22 13.31 63.17
4 Taylor Strickland 9.33 5.14 11.47 45.00 70.94 5.14
5 Steven Gordon 45.00 14.02 10.48 9.67 79.17
6 Paul Lynch 7.80 65.00 11.33 10.28 94.41
7 Brian Howell 55.00 8.79 13.39 25.00 102.18
NFS Paul Lynch 25.00 35.00 35.00 13.95 108.95
8 Jim Slee 7.10 35.00 12.95 55.00 110.05
9 Art Schoner 25.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 130.00
10 Don Aubuchon 11.63 45.00 35.00 45.00 136.63
1 Steven Gordon 7.09 6.47 9.45 7.89 30.90
2 Brian Howell 10.96 9.87 7.15 5.07 33.05 5.07
3 Courtney Bolze 13.27 6.35 9.75 7.23 36.60
4 Art Schoner 13.31 9.50 25.00 10.30 58.11
5 Steve Johnson 25.00 14.80 11.33 12.17 63.30
6 Paul Lynch 13.66 45.00 14.44 11.17 84.27
7 Jesse Taylor 12.41 13.73 14.42 45.00 85.56
8 Don Aubuchon 11.30 11.10 55.00 11.79 89.19
9 Allen Moran 55.00 12.10 14.62 13.07 94.79
10 Taylor Strickland 65.00 25.00 35.00 65.00 190.00
NFS Paul Lynch 35.00 75.00 75.00 35.00 220.00
11 Jim Slee 75.00 35.00 75.00 75.00 260.00
Allen Moran 5.70 6.60 4.81 9.32 26.43 4.81
Courtney Bolze 7.23 5.90 7.45 7.99 28.57
Joe Ford 9.75 5.96 6.94 6.13 28.78
Steven Gordon 11.36 10.80 10.63 9.94 42.73
Art Schoner 9.08 25.00 9.13 11.13 54.34
Don Aubuchon 25.00 7.30 25.00 10.99 68.29
Taylor Strickland 25.00 7.76 35.00 25.00 92.76
Jeff Flanagan 45.00 45.00 10.33 25.00 125.33
Jim Slee 35.00 35.00 45.00 45.00 160.00
1 Brian Howell 6.11 6.49 5.31 7.13 25.04
2 Steve Johnson 10.20 4.84 5.13 10.63 30.80
3 Don Aubuchon 6.56 8.84 9.46 25.00 49.86
4 Allen Moran 25.00 12.04 8.16 6.84 52.04
5 D J Charecicz 35.00 8.04 4.44 5.31 52.79 4.44
6 Courtney Bolze 35.00 9.13 7.81 5.78 57.72
7 Steven Gordon 14.56 14.76 8.08 25.00 62.40
8 Taylor Strickland 35.00 13.15 8.51 14.78 71.44
9 Jesse Taylor 25.00 12.18 10.60 25.00 72.78
NFS Taylor Strickland 45.00 13.13 8.46 8.64 75.23
10 Art Schoner 35.00 14.66 25.00 25.00 99.66
11 Jim Slee 45.00 25.00 25.00 11.11 106.11
12 Diane Charewicz 65.00 55.00 65.00 65.00 250.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Courtney Bolze 16.88 36.24 36.6 28.57 57.72 176.01
2 Allen Moran 23.57 27.56 94.79 26.43 52.04 224.39
3 Steven Gordon 16.22 79.17 30.9 42.73 62.4 231.42
4 Art Schoner 19.69 130 58.11 54.34 99.66 361.8
5 Taylor Strickland 76.36 272.97 220.40 152.07 271.82 993.62

November Bowling Pin Match 9AM Sharp!

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

Get ready for the second to the last installment of “How the Pins Fall 2020” this Saturday, November 7th at the Beautiful Airfield Shooting Club range in in scenic Wakefield. A quick inspection of the club calendar shows that there is an event on the 50 yard range a 2PM, so we are asking shooters to arrive by 9AM to insure the range is available for the next group on time. you can find rules for the match and directions to the range at And of course you questions to our resident associate adjunct assistant chief Pinhead are always welcome at See you Saturday.


Work party for Nov 1st, has been rescheduled for Nov. 15th

ASC Members,

The work party for Nov 1st, has been rescheduled for Nov. 15th, due to weather.

As in the last message, Starting at 0930… Will be doing general range repairs, clean up and investigating enhancements to the shotgun facilities.

Some or all ranges will be closed for work, and work will continue until complete.

For questions please email


Work Party Sunday November 1st

ASC Members,
The XO has called for a work party on November 1, starting at 0930.

We will be doing general range repairs and investigating enhancements to the shotgun facilities. Work will continue until complete.

For questions please email

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match Canceled – Oct.10th

The Service Rifle & Zombie Match for October 10th had been canceled..  Due to circumstance beyond the match directors control.  Range will be open if members want to hold a practice or shooting, just no match this month.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Be safe and see you on the range!

October Bowling Pin Match Results

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot the match today. We have really nice weather and the scores reflected that. Given our early season shutdown, this was the only humane weather we have had this year. Results are posted below. See you next month.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Dale Mullin 6.01 4.41 6.70 4.68 21.80
2 Courtney Bolze 3.95 6.11 7.53 4.60 22.19
3 Steven Gordon 5.50 4.18 11.09 4.25 25.02
4 Charles Lankford 7.22 7.16 6.52 14.60 35.50
5 Taylor Strickland 13.72 5.76 13.81 5.80 39.09
6 Art Schoner 3.31 2.57 35.00 6.07 46.95 2.57
7 Dennis Bondi 35.00 7.59 7.03 35.00 84.62
1 Terry Miltier 4.78 4.92 4.64 2.63 16.97 2.63
2 Courtney Bolze 7.13 7.09 5.79 6.24 26.25
3 Steven Gordon 6.77 5.31 8.64 10.64 31.36
4 Allen Moran 12.46 5.47 6.53 9.32 33.78
5 Joe Ford 11.05 6.31 8.44 9.06 34.86
6 Ray Neiderhiser 9.50 8.84 7.02 14.35 39.71
7 Dale Mullin 9.07 13.23 9.17 9.90 41.37
NFS Terry Miltier 4.98 35.00 7.14 8.89 56.01
8 Art Schoner 45.00 10.44 12.29 7.54 75.27
9 Charles Lankford 8.81 55.00 6.58 10.31 80.70
10 Taylor Strickland 12.91 7.47 24.00 45.00 89.38
11 John Edwards 25.00 55.00 55.00 13.24 148.24
12 Paul Lynch 55.00 25.00 55.00 35.00 170.00
1 Terry Miltier 6.67 8.51 4.92 4.18 24.28
NFS Terry Miltier 7.44 4.70 3.93 14.02 30.09
2 Joe Ford 10.69 10.49 7.53 10.34 39.05
3 Art Schoner 11.62 9.13 8.43 10.40 39.58
5 Ray Neiderhiser 12.58 9.16 8.71 9.45 39.90
6 Courtney Bolze 10.05 7.88 12.44 12.47 42.84
7 Charles Lankford 12.24 6.98 8.47 25.00 52.69
8 Allen Moran 4.52 25.00 25.00 4.14 58.66 4.14
9 Steven Gordon 14.06 25.00 12.05 8.57 59.68
10 Dale Mullin 25.00 13.30 35.00 10.69 83.99
NFS Robert Caswell 13.97 13.12 45.00 12.86 84.95
11 Robert Caswell 25.00 55.00 25.00 13.63 118.63
12 Paul Lynch 45.00 13.61 25.00 55.00 138.61
13 Taylor Strickland 25.00 25.00 65.00 25.00 140.00
14 Paul Lynch 35.00 55.00 55.00 35.00 180.00
NFS Paul Lynch 85.00 45.00 45.00 14.17 189.17
15 John Edwards 55.00 55.00 75.00 95.00 280.00
1 Charles Lankford 4.50 7.78 5.41 4.43 22.12 4.43
2 Ray Neiderhiser 6.23 5.51 7.56 7.73 27.03
3 Dennis Bondi 8.65 10.91 9.02 9.50 38.08
4 Steven Gordon 14.17 12.24 10.27 10.27 46.95
5 Courtney Bolze 5.72 35.00 9.89 5.08 55.69
6 Dale Mullin 7.74 35.00 8.52 7.08 58.34
7 Joe Ford 11.82 9.84 35.00 10.03 66.69
8 Art Schoner 11.90 9.94 10.83 35.00 67.67
9 Allen Moran 5.39 35.00 9.02 45.00 94.41
10 John Edwards 11.80 25.00 35.00 35.00 106.80
11 Taylor Strickland 35.00 35.00 9.53 35.00 114.53
12 Chris Covert 35.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 130.00
1 Charles Lankford 8.43 5.61 8.18 9.61 31.83 5.61
2 Courtney Bolze 5.29 11.04 11.64 6.48 34.45
3 Steven Gordon 11.84 7.03 8.70 10.14 37.71
4 Art Schoner 9.66 9.68 12.53 10.02 41.89
5 Ray Neiderhiser 9.58 8.82 25.00 8.09 51.49
6 Taylor Strickland 35.00 9.74 7.33 13.07 65.14
7 Dale Mullin 25.00 8.30 7.15 25.00 65.45
8 Joe Ford 55.00 25.00 25.00 12.94 117.94
NFS Chris Covert 35.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 120.00
9 Chris Covert 65.00 45.00 55.00 11.93 176.93
10 John Edwards 45.00 85.00 45.00 35.00 210.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Courtney Bolze 22.19 26.25 42.84 55.69 34.45 181.42
2 Steven Gordon 25.02 31.36 59.68 46.95 37.71 200.72
3 Charles Lankford 35.50 80.70 52.69 22.12 31.83 222.84
4 Dale Mullin 21.80 41.37 83.99 58.34 65.45 270.95
5 Art Schoner 46.95 75.27 39.58 67.67 41.89 271.36
6 Taylor Strickland 39.09 89.38 140.00 114.53 65.14 448.14

Shotgun Competition Help Wanted


Our shotgun competition director is asking for
volunteers to help with the skeet competition October 17, 18 and 19. He
needs two people each day prefer skeet shooters. One to keep score and
one to pull.

They can contact him at

Bowling Pins Anyone? 9AM Sharp, Please!

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

Fall is upon us. Its my favorite time of year and this Saturday, October 3rd looks to be an exceptional day for a shooting match. The weather is perfect with a high of 68 degrees and sunny skies. Please arrive by 9AM to set up. We need to be off the range by 2:30 Saturday to support another club activity.

What can I tell you about shooting Bowling Pins. They are fun and action packed. Come on out and give them a whirl. Directions to the range along with a complete description and rules for the match are at Specific questions are welcome to our Resident Chief Adjunct Assistant Pinhead in training at See you there,


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