Dog Days Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

This Saturday, August 7th please join your friends for another fun filled installment of how the pins fall (or don’t!) We will hold our monthly pin match beginning at 9:30 at the bucolic Airfield Shooing Club Range in beautiful Wakefield VA. Come see if anyone can dethrone Art and his magic carbine. If you need to brush up on the rules or need directions, they are available at For specific questions, complaints or brickbats, please gently reach out to our associate, adjunct, chief assistant pinhead at


July Bowling Pin Match Results

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

Sometimes a pinhead, like a pin itself, is knocked down but not completely out. In this case, they are still able to deliver results. Art would be crestfallen if I didn’t mention he set another record with his carbine. You know this isn’t going to happen every single month, right? For the rest of us, there is always August. The scores are below and we will reconvene next month.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 2.34 2.95 3.06 3.40 11.75 2.34
2 Courtney Bolze 6.18 6.32 3.86 5.91 22.27
3 Dale Mullin 5.56 7.86 5.59 4.70 23.71
4 Taylor Strickland 6.73 8.83 10.09 12.81 38.46
5 Chris Covert 10.66 9.38 7.36 25.00 52.40
6 Dennis Strickland 55.00 25.00 25.00 10.54 115.54
1 Joe Ford 8.10 10.92 8.42 6.24 33.68
2 Brian Howell 25.00 7.00 5.07 8.21 45.28 5.07
3 Don Aubuchon 8.08 11.98 25.00 9.52 54.58
4 Courtney Bolze 11.08 35.00 25.00 8.45 79.53
5 Art Schoner 25.00 7.23 11.11 45.00 88.34
6 Taylor Strickland 10.52 12.21 35.00 35.00 92.73
7 Chris Covert 35.00 45.00 45.00 12.35 137.35
8 Tim Radtick 45.00 25.00 55.00 35.00 160.00
9 Panagopulos Dometri 35.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 230.00
1 Courtney Bolze 8.82 6.54 6.92 8.92 31.20
2 Brian Howell 12.22 7.99 6.84 8.99 36.04
3 Don Aubuchon 13.37 8.73 12.18 11.00 45.28
4 Dale Mullin 14.74 10.98 10.35 25.00 61.07
5 Taylor Strickland 12.97 12.94 6.92 35.00 67.83
6 Art Schoner 5.44 25.00 11.05 35.00 76.49 5.44
7 Bob Coleman 45.00 35.00 10.75 35.00 125.75
8 Tim Radtick 65.00 85.00 55.00 75.00 280.00
9 Dimitri Stergiouij 65.00 95.00 75.00 65.00 300.00
1 Courtney Bolze 7.92 5.17 6.96 4.85 24.90 4.85
2 Joe Ford 7.80 6.57 6.02 8.08 28.47
3 Art Schoner 7.13 5.26 9.71 8.49 30.59
4 Dale Mullin 25.00 6.83 9.25 6.58 47.66
5 Taylor Strickland 11.74 9.90 35.00 45.00 101.64
6 Don Aubuchon 25.00 35.00 35.00 9.39 104.39
1 Courtney Bolze 6.55 6.44 4.66 4.40 22.05 4.40
2 Taylor Strickland 7.13 6.42 7.39 10.57 31.51
3 Dale Mullin 11.38 14.46 6.72 11.85 44.41
4 Don Aubuchon 35.00 6.65 5.04 8.75 55.44
5 Brian Howell 6.37 13.15 4.62 35.00 59.14
6 Art Schoner 14.52 45.00 10.63 25.00 95.15
7 Josh Cantrell 65.00 35.00 11.94 10.81 122.75
8 Tim Radtick 55.00 11.21 45.00 35.00 146.21
9 Chris Covert 65.00 45.00 55.00 35.00 200.00
Dennis Strickland 55.00 45.00 65.00 55.00 220.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Courtney Bolze 22.27 79.53 31.20 24.90 22.05 179.95
2 Art Schoner 11.75 88.34 76.49 30.59 95.15 302.32
3 Taylor Strickland 38.46 92.73 67.83 101.64 31.51 332.17

Pin Match Reminder July 3rd

Gentle Shooters,
Just a reminder that we will have a Bowling Pin Match on Saturday, July 3rd at 9:30 at Airfield Shooting Club range. The forecast calls for showers, so check you’re email and/or the website in case of bad weather. Rules for the match, as well as directions to the range are available at Individual questions may be directed to your assistant pinhead at

June 2021 Bowling Pin Match results

Thanks to all of our gentle shooters who came out to shoot the match. It was quite warm and humid, but our contestants posted some nice times as captioned below. Our next match will be Saturday, July 3rd.

Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 6.95 4.25 2.68 4.71 18.59 2.68
2 Taylor Strickland 5.43 5.03 6.43 4.16 21.05
3 Steven Gordon 7.64 4.42 4.70 5.98 22.74
4 Courtney Bolze 4.85 3.38 11.99 3.50 23.72
5 Chris Covert 7.47 12.52 13.46 5.98 39.43
1 Terry Miltier 5.45 4.26 5.88 4.80 20.39 4.26
2 Brian Howell 6.50 12.91 5.53 5.09 30.03
3 Taylor Strickland 9.38 7.85 4.84 12.73 34.80
5 Don Aubuchon 10.39 7.57 9.59 9.39 36.94
NFS David Lampe 4.82 7.64 11.22 25.00 48.68
5 Paul Lynch 7.46 7.66 25.00 12.06 52.18
6 Steven Gordon 7.82 6.63 35.00 10.46 59.91
7 Courtney Bolze 8.84 9.75 11.02 35.00 64.61
8 Art Schoner 25.00 6.63 25.00 12.85 69.48
9 Frank Sanders 25.00 35.00 10.32 8.19 78.51
NFS Frank Sanders 25.00 25.00 5.61 35.00 90.61
10 Joe Ford 25.00 7.54 35.00 25.00 92.54
11 Mark Lampe 25.00 25.00 55.00 25.00 130.00
NFS Tim Radtke 65.00 14.08 45.00 25.00 149.08
12 Tim Radtke 25.00 45.00 55.00 45.00 170.00
13 David Lampe 55.00 25.00 55.00 45.00 180.00
NFS Terry Miltier 7.18 9.75 14.00 6.48 37.41 6.48
1 Brian Howell 8.49 12.67 8.25 8.47 37.88
2 Steven Gordon 10.53 9.49 10.92 11.68 42.62
3 Don Aubuchon 14.51 25.00 13.98 7.72 61.21
4 Terry Miltier 8.57 13.60 7.80 35.00 64.97
5 Courtney Bolze 45.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 130.00
6 Art Schoner 13.85 35.00 25.00 65.00 138.85
7 Taylor Strickland 45.00 35.00 55.00 7.97 142.97
8 Mark Lampe 25.00 35.00 45.00 55.00 160.00
9 David Lampe 65.00 13.55 55.00 45.00 178.55
NFS Mark Lampe 55.00 55.00 55.00 35.00 200.00
10 Paul Lynch 65.00 25.00 75.00 45.00 210.00
1 Courtney Bolze 10.86 6.95 7.04 5.50 30.35 5.50
2 Joe Ford 9.57 8.58 7.12 9.53 34.80
3 Terry Miltier 13.22 13.06 5.59 14.69 46.56
4 Art Schoner 45.00 7.98 25.00 9.03 87.01
5 Taylor Strickland 45.00 25.00 10.24 35.00 115.24
6 Tim Radtke 25.00 25.00 45.00 25.00 120.00
7 Steven Gordon 25.00 35.00 7.86 55.00 122.86
8 Paul Lynch 45.00 25.00 25.00 55.00 150.00
9 Chris Covert 35.00 45.00 55.00 25.00 160.00
Brian Howell 4.99 6.47 7.77 5.59 24.82 4.99
Courtney Bolze 7.28 6.06 5.72 5.86 24.92
David Lampe 7.84 12.38 7.84 8.67 36.73
Paul Lynch 8.12 11.65 25.00 6.97 51.74
Art Schoner 9.09 11.41 9.73 25.00 55.23
Steven Gordon 10.02 8.06 35.00 9.68 62.76
Taylor Strickland 45.00 10.41 6.35 10.93 72.69
Don Aubuchon 10.50 55.00 11.42 7.56 84.48
Chris Covert 25.00 25.00 45.00 65.00 160.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Courtney Bolze 23.72 64.61 130 30.35 24.92 273.6
Steven Gordon 22.74 59.91 42.62 122.86 62.76 310.89
Art Schoner 18.59 69.48 138.85 87.01 55.23 369.16
Taylor Strickland 21.05 34.8 142.97 115.24 72.69 386.75


June Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

Just a quick reminder that we will have a Bowling Pin Match on Saturday, June 5th at 9:30 at Airfield Shooting Club range. Please be prompt as we have a pistol class that will need the range shortly after we finish. Rules for the match, as well as directions to the range are available at Individual questions may be directed to your convenient local pinhead at Also, we do not need anyone to go to the bowling alley today as previously emailed. They only have a few pins and a member will be retrieving them today.


Bowling Pin Acquisition – Wednesday June 2

We have an opportunity to get more bowling pins from a different lane. I’d like to put out an email to the bowling pin list to get some of our shooters to help move the pins.

We can get the pins after 4 PM at AMF Chesapeake Lanes 112 Medical Parkway E Chesapeake VA 23320. I’d say lets meet at 5. That gives them time to open up. Once loaded, we will drive the pins to the warehouse at Gordon Paper, 5713 Ward Ave Virginia Beach, VA 23455 for storage. We learned one thing from the last pin pickup. Any member that has a hand truck, please bring it. Questions please contact Steven at or (757) 560-7311.

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