Defensive Pistol match season starts up … Saturaday, Jan 31st

Our Defensive Pistol match season starts up this comeing Saturday, January 31st.. 
This is our 1st match of 2015, come on out and see what it’s about!

Defensive Pistol Shooting is a format of competitive shooting that scores the participants on the combined skills of of accuracy and speed.
No prior experience is required and is open to anyone that wants to either participate or watch the event.

50 yard range in use from 08:00am till 04:00pm or whenever cleanup is done.

Match information:

Set-up: 8 am – 10am on the 50 yard range.

Staff and SO’s shoot: 10 am – 11 am

  1. Squad: 11 am – 1 pm (NOTE: Set up crew has priority to shoot in Squad 1)
  2. Squad: 1 pm – 3 pm
  3. Squad: 3 pm – 4 pm

ASC Defensive Pistol Match on Sat. Jan. 31
Advance email sign-up for squadding opens on Jan. 23. Send email to [email protected]

STAGES:  Jan 2015_all stages.pdf

Stage briefs will be conducted before each new squad starts shooting. Upon request, a new shooter orientation will be conducted 15 min prior to the stage brief. Please indicate interest when signing up.

ADVANCE EMAIL SIGN-UP:  Send a note to [email protected] and indicate your first and second squad preference. Sign-up opens the Friday 8 days in advance of the match, at 12:01 am. Earlier requests will be disregarded. Slots will be filled in the order received. Pre-registration will close Friday, 12 noon, the day before the match. Shooters will be notified via email about their squadding.

WALK-INS: Walk-ins are welcome and will be assigned the first available slot after the last pre-registered shooter. No walk-ins will be accepted after 2 pm on match day.

MATCH FEE: $15 for non-ASC members; $10 for members.

VOLUNTEER HOURS: ASC members can earn volunteer hours for set-up, score keeping, SO-ing, and break-down.  Set up volunteers have priority to shoot in Squad 1.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event of inclement weather, a final go/no-go decision will be posted online by Friday, 8 pm, the night before the match. Pre-registered shooters will receive email updates.

MATCH CANCELLATION: If the number of shooters signing up in advance via email is insufficient, we will cancel the match. All shooters who did sign up will be notified via email.

More Information here..

Last Updated on 7 years by Webmaster (Jon Welters)

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