Defensive shooting match stages

 The umbrella corporation has taken over the range and they’ve brought zombies, Come out and join us in our efforts to take back what’s ours With 3 stages for the defensive shooting match total round count of 49 rounds per category If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]  The stages are in the attached PDF—> here Defensive shooting match stages 10-29-2022<—

Defensive shooting match October 29th

Satursay the 29th The last defensive shooting match of the year, Grab your gear and come out and join a run and gun  Set up 9:00AM shooters brief at 9:30AM. Members entry fee $5 non-members entry fee $10 additional categories for each $2 a piece Any questions please contact me at [email protected] The  Stages will be posted in a few days

July Defensive shooting match scores

Had a good turnout today despite the heat, had nine brave shooters come out and run shoot and sweat in the July heat and humidity. The next match is October 29th when the weather will be a bit cooler. If you have issues with the attachments send me an email I will send you the file directly [email protected] The scores are in the attached PDF here —>Defensive shooting scores 7-30-202

Defensive shooting match

Mark the calendar the next defensive shooting match is July 30th, come out and join us for a run and gun against the clock. All shooters welcome have categories for everybody members $5 entry additional category $2, non-members $10 entry additional category $2. Set up time 9:00 a.m. shooters brief and stage walk-through starts at 9:30. The stages will be posted closer to the event if you have any questions feel free to contact me at [email protected]  

Defensive Action Shooting Match

The scores are in and for the first defensive action shooting match we had 11 shooters come out and join us and help iron out a few wrinkles with the matches to come we will be working on getting things moving a little quicker. The scores for this match are in the attached PDF here ( Defensive shooting scores 4-30-2022 ) The next match barring any conflicts will be scheduled July 30th  And I apologize for any misspell names let me know and I can correct them If you have any questions or comments please contact me at [email protected]  Until next time happy shooting

Defensive Action Shooting Match

The first Defensive Action Shooting Match is this Saturday April 30th entry fee for members $5 non-members is $10 and each additional category for everybody is $2 Set up is at 9:00 a.m. shooters brief is at 10:00 a.m. followed by the stage walk through then the competition Attached is the defensive match summary with rules and regulations and the three stages for the first match Defensive Match Summary Action Shooting Stages If you have any questions please contact Taylor Strickland at [email protected] If you get no response you can also contact me at [email protected]

Defensive Action Shooting Match

The airfield action shooting program is up and running first match will be the last Saturday of this month April 30th with categories for semi-automatic handguns, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and rimfire rifle and pistols  Entry fee is $5 for members $10 for general public each additional category after the first is an extra $2 For the three stages planned for the first match minimum round count is 28 rounds per category I would recommend bringing plenty of extra ammo For more information the ASC defensive pistol matches page has been updated and there is a link to the Defensive Match Summary which lists all the rules and category regulations Or direct link here Defensive Match Summary For any questions feel free to contact Taylor Strickland at defensivepistol at

Defensive Shooting Match Results— 31 March 2018

All, Here are the final scores for the ASC Defensive Shooting Match held 301 Mar.  We had 30 shooter, great weather, and five fun stages to keep us all honest. Congratulations to the Division winners: Overall                  Illya Denyanyek SSP                         Illya Denyanyek ESP                         Denny Machie CCP                        Terry Miltier PCC and CO        David Faber BUG-S                   Jeff Hewlett SPD                        Erik Gunmunter REV                        Larry Atkins Thanks to all the folks that help set up and stayed to take down.  Your support is appreciated. The next scheduled match is 30 Jun. HOWEVER, many of the staff are already signed up for the Carolina Cup and will not be available to run a formal club match.  If any of would like to use the range time to run a practice / training session please let me know so we can get the word out. R, Jeff H Match Results are available here: ASC Mar 2018 Final Scores

ASC Defensive Pistol Match: Saturday March 31

The next Defensive Shooting Match will be Sat, 31 Mar 2018 It will be a five stage, 65 to 75 round match. For NEW shooters: If you do not have a holster but want to shoot the match please come out; we’ll start you from a low ready position! You can stuff your extra mags in your pants pockets or tuck them in your waist belt. Note: Three mags are needed for the match but you can make it with two … (as a new shooter). And of course you will need a firearm. Semi-auto, 9mm and larger will work or a Revolver. When: Every month with a 5th Saturday … 8:00am to 4:00pm Where: 50 yard range in use from 08:00am until 04:00pm or whenever cleanup is done. Who: Open to anyone that can safely operate a handgun from a holster.—Set-up: 8 am – 10 am on the 50 yard range. Staff and SO’s shoot: 10 am – 11 am. Squad 1: 11 am – 1 pm (NOTE: Set up crew has priority to shoot in Squad 1) Squad 2: 1 pm – 3 pm Squad 3: 3 pm – 4 pm Break down and clean up: 3:30-4pm Any …

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