Advanced Pistol Class – Sign up now!!!!!
ASC is hosting a Combative Handgun Course offered by Dave Jenkins from Rochester Personal Defense, Sept 23 & 24. This course was developed and taught by Dave Spaulding before he retired. Dave Jenkins is one of the few instructors that Dave Spaulding certified and recommends to teach his material! This 2 day course is $450 for members and $500 for non-members. All payments are due no later than 15 August! To register please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected] This is a great opportunity!!!! Description: This course takes the handgun from a sporting, plinking, or recreational implement, to a tool of combat- to be ready and willing to fight if avoidance and evasion fail. The purpose of this course is to build solid essential skills (grip, trigger control, body position, holster skills, reloads, malfunction clearances, etc.) and put them in the fight! Students will be trained to anchor and improve these essential skills under set time frames established in six (6) standards that will be shot during the course combining speed and combat accuracy. This is not a course for the brand new shooter. You must have a good foundation of skills (grip, stance, sighting, trigger operation) and a desire …