Rimfire Steel Challenge – Sunday, Feb 18th!

Folks, our first steel challenge for Rimfire was a huge success last month and with the increasing member requests we just had to give it another try for this month. The Rimfire Steel Challenge will challenge even the best of our members on this Sunday, February 18th.

The Steel Challenge is a speed shooting competition consisting of several modified stages using five to eight steel targets with one being the red stop plate. Competitors are scored solely by the time it takes to complete each stage.  The course of fire is designed to be completed by even the most inexperienced shooter using one 10-round magazine without the need to reload “on the clock.”  Suggest 22LR semi-auto pistols or rifles with 2 to 5 magazines, but bring what you have and we will make it an enjoyable event. There will be some firearms and ammunition available if you want to just come out and give it a try.

Members – $5.00 & Guests – $10.00.  The range set up at 7:00 am, Safety Meeting 8:00-8:30 am, the safety meeting is mandatory to shoot the match. Match starts promptly at 9:00am.  Contact Match Director: Tom Sanford, email at rimfire@airfieldshootingclub.org. The SRB/25 & 50m Range is reserved for this next Modified Rimfire Steel Challenge.

Last Updated on 1 year by Lena

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