Defensive Shooting Match Results— 31 March 2018


Here are the final scores for the ASC Defensive Shooting Match held 301 Mar.  We had 30 shooter, great weather, and five fun stages to keep us all honest.

Congratulations to the Division winners:

Overall                  Illya Denyanyek

SSP                         Illya Denyanyek

ESP                         Denny Machie

CCP                        Terry Miltier

PCC and CO        David Faber

BUG-S                   Jeff Hewlett

SPD                        Erik Gunmunter

REV                        Larry Atkins

Thanks to all the folks that help set up and stayed to take down.  Your support is appreciated.

The next scheduled match is 30 Jun. HOWEVER, many of the staff are already signed up for the Carolina Cup and will not be available to run a formal club match.  If any of would like to use the range time to run a practice / training session please let me know so we can get the word out.


Jeff H

Match Results are available here: ASC Mar 2018 Final Scores

Last Updated on 6 years by Webmaster (Jon Welters)

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