Defensive Pistol Match 29 March 2014


The March Defensive Pistol Match will take place on Saturday 29 March.

Setup will begin on the 50 Meter range at 8 AM.

The weather forecast for Saturday is not looking good. It it rains Friday or Saturday, the range will be a muddy mess and we will have to cancel. Keep refreshing this page and we will update as soon as we make a decision.

Everyone is encouraged to help paste targets and Airfield members who help setup can earn service hours.

We are expecting a good turnout. In order to decrease wait times, there will be three different squads. Please be there at the designated time; each squad will begin with a match brief. The only stage walk-through will be at 10 am. If you cannot make it, please read the stage descriptions and talk to the other shooters. If the shooter is not “ready” when walking up to the line, the on-deck shooter will shoot instead, so that the first shooter has additional time to review the stage. We need to work expeditiously to minimize wait times, and we need help from all with pasting and resetting.

The squal starting times are:

Squad 1: 10:00 am
Squad 2: 12:00 pm
Squad 3: 2:00 pm 

To sign up for a squad, please email [email protected] with your first and second choice.

Email signup will close at 12 Noon on Thursday 27 March.

Walk-ins are welcome, but may encounter longer wait times.

The match will be run is an IDPA like manner and we will follow the IDPA rule book.

The cost of the match will be $15 for non-members and $10 for members.





Last Updated on 11 years by Webmaster (Jon Welters)

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