Defensive Pistol Match 29 March 2014

CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER The March Defensive Pistol Match will take place on Saturday 29 March. Setup will begin on the 50 Meter range at 8 AM. The weather forecast for Saturday is not looking good. It it rains Friday or Saturday, the range will be a muddy mess and we will have to cancel. Keep refreshing this page and we will update as soon as we make a decision. Everyone is encouraged to help paste targets and Airfield members who help setup can earn service hours. We are expecting a good turnout. In order to decrease wait times, there will be three different squads. Please be there at the designated time; each squad will begin with a match brief. The only stage walk-through will be at 10 am. If you cannot make it, please read the stage descriptions and talk to the other shooters. If the shooter is not “ready” when walking up to the line, the on-deck shooter will shoot instead, so that the first shooter has additional time to review the stage. We need to work expeditiously to minimize wait times, and we need help from all with pasting and resetting. The squal starting times are: Squad …

Women on Target 7 June 2014

Ladies ONLY Shooting Clinic – Saturday,  June 7, 2014   Airfield Shooting Club is holding another Women on Target Event!! Our Women on Target events are fun and educational. Women on Target Program Page Where: Airfield 4-H Conference Center, Wakefield, Virginia  23888 Cost: $50.00 (pre-registration required). Cost includes loaner firearms, all ammunition, targets, instruction by NRA certified instructors and lunch.     Attendance limited to the first 40 applicants. When: Saturday, June 7, 2014, sign-in begins at 9:00 a.m. Contact: Dale Mullin (757) 420-4419 (please, no calls after 9:30 p.m.) or via email at [email protected], registration form can be found at the following link. Agenda: 9:00 – 9:15 a.m. Sign-in   9:15 – 9:30 a.m. Safety briefing – all disciplines (Rifle, Pistol, Archery & Shotgun)   9:30 a.m. Divide into four groups and proceed to your first discipline   9:40 – 10:50 a.m. First discipline   11:00 -12:10 a.m. Second discipline   12:20 – 1:50 p.m. Lunch   2:00 – 3:10 p.m. Third discipline   3:15 – 4:25 p.m. Fourth discipline   4:25 – 4:35 p.m. How to keep improving your marksmanship skills   4:35 – 4:40 p.m. Awarding of certificates.

CMP Online M1 Garand Maintenance Clinic

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is offering an online M1 Garand Maintenance Clinic. Registration is now open for the CMP’s online M1 Maintenance Clinic, for those wishing to learn more about assembly, disassembly, cleaning and other techniques used to ensure your rifle’s peak performance. The clinic will be the first live online class ever offered by CMP. Check out the details.  

Shooting Sports One of 25 Core Sports for 2020 Olympics

Shooting is among the 25 core sports listed by the IOC Executive Board for the 2020 Olympic Games. “Shooting remains a core sport world wide, as well as one of the most universal disciplines. The ISSF represents 161 National Federations, and athletes from 108 countries qualified to compete in shooting at the 2012 Games; shooting ranked fourth among all Olympic sports in this principal measure of universality.” Secretary General Schreiber reminded. International Shooting Sports Federation article

ASC Pistol Class on Dec. 8

 On December 8, 2012, the Airfield Shooting Club (ASC) is hosting an NRA First Steps (Pistol) Class with additional sections on the Law of Concealed Carry and Self Defense and Methods of Concealed Carry. The First Steps (Pistol) Class is intended to provide hands-on orientation to one specific pistol model and includes both classroom and live-fire training. Our instructors teach both revolver and semi-auto sections in this class. In addition to the NRA First Steps (Pistol) Class, over an hour long session is scheduled with Timothy W. Drewry, a Virginia practicing attorney, who will discuss some of the legal aspects of carrying concealed firearms and self defense in Virginia. There will be a question and answer period, and the attorney will remain with the class until the very end so that he may answer questions which may arise. An additional segment of the course will include a brief discussion of some of the firearms appropriate for concealed carry and the holsters or other devices which might be suited for carrying a firearm concealed. The legal instruction and the concealed carry portions of the course are non-NRA approved, but added by the ASC to better inform pistol shooters who may wish …

Bushnell Scout 1000 ARC Laser Range Finder Review

The Bushnell Scout 1000 Arc laser range finder is designed for hunters. The Scout has Bushnell’s Angle Range Compensation (ARC) technology that allows the user to quickly and accurately find the range even from angled terrain. The Bow mode gives short-range horizontal distance, while the rifle mode gives long-range distance. The rangefinder is accurate within a yard and can range up to 1000 yards against the correct type of target. The Scout 1000 is compact and lightweight, easily fitting into your shirt pocket. The Scout 1000 is weather-proof, but not waterproof, that could be an important distinction.  The rangefinder comes in box along with a case, manual, and a CD with electronic versions of the manual. The case is rather nice and uses a magnetic fastener instead of velcro to help keep it quiet in the woods.     The rangefinder fits neatly in one hand and is comfortable to hold.  Attempting to use the mode button will usually require a second hand and it helps to use both hands to keep everything steady.       One of the secrets to laser rangefinders is that the range is highly dependent upon the type of target. A lightly colored target …

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