Skeet RSO Needed for DU on March 5th

Need to get some service hours?  Here is your opportunity!  Ducks Unlimited is renting our skeet range on March 5th from 1:30-4:30.  The group will be about 15 people. Need someone to setup the range prior and operate the traps for us and then make sure they they stay safe and pick up.  Machines will have to be restocked with clays as well. Please send an email to Scott Sampson at [email protected] to volunteer.  Only need one person. Thank you in advance!!!

Shotgun Tuneup – New Date and plan… Stay tuned!

UPDATE: New DATE & Time!!!! Be sure that you email Dale (email below).  Please do not go out without letting Dale know.  With the weather that we are expecting, we may have to postpone.  Dale will email those that have contacted him in case of that decision. Members (and immediate family only) – Check this out!!! Shooter Tune up Shotgun! Shotgun Fundamentals – Jan 30th 1-3 pm! Do you have a shotgun that you haven’t shot or haven’t shot in some time? Now is the time! Dale Mullin, who is a very experienced shotgun instructor and a Level II shotgun coach, will be there to help you learn to hit flying targets. Dale will help you with the fundamentals – stance, pointing etc to hit incoming, out-going and slight crossing targets. Please bring your shotgun and 2 boxes (50 shells) of ammunition. The ammunition should contain any of the following shot sizes 7-1/2, 8, or 9 size shot. Boxes labeled for target shooting or “Dove or Quail” will be OK. If you have a choice, look for velocities between 1100 and 1200 feet per second. No need for any higher velocities. If you do not have a shotgun but you …

Shotgun Shooter Tune Up – Update

UPDATE: New Time!!!! Be sure that you email Dale (email below) in case of bad weather. Members (and immediate family only) – Check this out!!! Shooter Tune up Shotgun! Shotgun Fundamentals – Jan 29th 1-3 pm! Do you have a shotgun that you haven’t shot or haven’t shot in some time? Now is the time! Dale Mullin, who is a very experienced shotgun instructor and a Level II shotgun coach, will be there to help you learn to hit flying targets. Dale will help you with the fundamentals – stance, pointing etc to hit incoming, out-going and slight crossing targets. Please bring your shotgun and 2 boxes (50 shells) of ammunition. The ammunition should contain any of the following shot sizes 7-1/2, 8, or 9 size shot. Boxes labeled for target shooting or “Dove or Quail” will be OK. If you have a choice, look for velocities between 1100 and 1200 feet per second. No need for any higher velocities. If you do not have a shotgun but you have been craving the opportunity to see what it was about, Dale will being some club 20 gauge shotguns. You still need to bring 2 boxes of 20 gauge shotgun shells …

Bowling Pin Match Results December 2021

Gentle Shooters, As I rode back home yesterday after the last match of the season, in my mind I had prepared a long, poetic reminiscence of another season of bowling pin shooting. However, it is going to be another beautiful day and the car is loaded for a trip to the sporting clays range. I’d love to stay and chat, but daylight is burning, so here are your scores and I will see you in April, or around the range before. Practice up, because I will be! Here are your results. Steven Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Steven Gordon 3.58 3.98 5.46 2.52 15.54 2.52 2 Art Schoner 5.15 5.00 2.91 2.62 15.68 3 Courtney Bolze 4.39 4.19 5.19 3.62 17.39 4 Frank Sanders 7.55 6.35 7.11 6.24 27.25 5 Taylor Strickland 11.15 6.65 9.55 6.39 33.74 Major 1 Terry Miltier 4.32 8.40 4.10 5.93 22.75 4.10 2 Art Schoner 5.94 7.91 5.82 7.15 26.82 3 Steven Gordon 5.56 14.36 10.17 5.68 35.77 4 Courtney Bolze 11.72 8.92 25.00 11.47 57.11 5 Taylor Strickland 10.43 11.26 25.00 25.00 71.69 Minor NFS Terry Miltier 7.03 4.30 6.35 6.35 24.03 1 …

December Bowling Pin Match

Well Gentle Shooters, We are approaching the end of another season of Bowling Pins. As many of our experienced shooters know, the coating on the pins does not hold up in the cold winter months. So this Saturday, December 4th will be our last match until April. We will begin at 9:30 at the stunning Airfield Shooting Club range in idyllic Wakefield. Directions to the range and rules for the match are available at our web site and individual questions can be addressed to the pinhead at [email protected]. See you Saturday, Steven

RSO Needed This Saturday

Hello Fellow Members! We are in need of an RSO for this Saturday (2 Oct) for a Men’s Church Group.  They will be using the 100m range from 2-4.  If you are available please let us know!  Time counts toward your Service hours! Please contact [email protected] to volunteer! Thank you for your help! Scott Sampson Chief Instructor #762        

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