May Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters, Our next installment of “How the Pins Fall” will be this Saturday, May 4th at the Airfield Shooting Club Range in Wakefield. The weather forecast is outstanding for this weekend’s competition. Just a quick reminder that the June pin match will be preempted by the Club’s Women on Target program, so this is the last chance to shoot pins until July. A complete listing of the rules and details of our match  are available at . If you have specific questions, you can send them our resident Chief Adjunct Assistant Pinhead at [email protected] See you at the Range Steven

The Camo Pin Shoot

April 6th dawned dreary, damp and overcast. Despite the light drizzle, I headed out to the range, practice ammo and targets in tow. Certainly, few if any shooters are showing up for this pin match. I’ll hide under the pavilion and drill a few targets and go home. Imagine my surprise when I could not park on the line. We had 23 shooters. They were greeted with drizzle and rain and combined with Friday’s showers, the mud was epic. By mid way through the match, the pins looked like they were camouflaged as the berm colored mud coated them. Regardless, our intrepid sharpshooters picked them off will impunity. We even two shooters tie with a 3.00 second string in Carbine. Hat tip to Charles Langford on that one. Of course, he is the club record holder at 2.48 seconds. Results are below for your viewing pleasure. April 2019 Bowling Pin Match Results Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Steven Gordon 3.38 3.00 4.24 3.20 13.82 2 Art Schoner 4.08 3.49 4.22 5.51 17.30 3 Courtney Bolze 6.44 3.14 6.12 3.68 19.38 4 Charles Lankford 11.05 3.69 3.15 3.00 20.89 3.00 …

Return of the Pins

Yes Gentle Shooters, We have returned to that time of year again where bowling pins fall prostrate at the hands of our marksmen. Your match directors have spent the last week together preparing for this match. Ok, well there was the matter of picking up a new Corvette, shooting sporting clays, some bourbon, and of course the evasion of traffic enforcement, not in any particular order mind you. But we did talk about the match. Well, it was more like we thought about it. Had we actually discussed it, we would have told you to be there by 9:30 on Saturday, April 6th at the Airfield Range in beautiful midtown Wakefield. We would have advised that while the rules have not changed and the range has not moved, you can find all of that super pertinent information at We also maintain an adjunct assistant chief pinhead to answer specific questions at [email protected].

End of the Year Pin Match Results

Another year of Bowling Pin Shooting has drawn to a close. You now have all winter to ponder the scores posted below. Practice for the 2019 Bowling Pin Season begins NOW. Our next match is April 6, 2019 at 9:30 at the range. You have 123 days to get ready Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Courtney Bolze 7.97 3.49 7.31 4.05 22.82 2 Dennis Bondi 4.29 3.46 5.91 10.24 23.90 3 Charles Lankford 3.79 12.00 3.14 5.55 24.48 3.14 4 Art Schoner 6.41 9.19 3.37 5.89 24.86 NFS Joey Kreidler 55.00 7.69 11.27 10.83 84.79 5 Joey Kreidler 25.00 35.00 35.00 55.00 150.00 Major 1 Terry Miltier 6.02 4.92 6.44 6.70 24.08 4.92 2 Charles Lankford 25.00 13.97 5.38 8.87 53.22 3 Art Schoner 8.21 25.00 9.09 25.00 67.30 4 Dennis Bondi 35.00 12.41 13.67 25.00 86.08 5 Steve Cunningham 35.00 10.14 45.00 13.87 104.01 6 Chewy 25.00 10.48 45.00 25.00 105.48 7 Courtney Bolze 55.00 11.88 7.73 35.00 109.61 8 Chuck Allard 35.00 45.00 45.00 65.00 190.00 Minor 1 Terry Miltier 5.64 7.92 7.93 6.59 28.08 2 Charles Lankford 9.73 5.30 10.09 11.23 36.35 5.30 3 Dennis Bondi …

After Saturday, you won’t shoot Pins again until April

Yes gentle shooters, This Saturday, December 1st. a day that will not live in infamy, will be you last chance to shoot bowling pins at the Airfield match until April 6, 2019. Yes, that does sound like a long time to wait. So, yes, you should come out to the range this weekend and shoot bowling pins with all of your friends. We will be there at 9:30 to greet you. If you would like directions to the range or to brush up on the rules, you can find all of that good stuff at If you have specific questions, we have an assistant chief pinhead you can contact at [email protected]. He isn’t all that knowledgeable, but he is friendly enough and hey, you can’t smell bad breath in an email. right? See you Saturday

Thanksgiving Bowling Pin Match Results

Greeting Gentle Shooters, Your results for the November 2018 Bowling Pin Match are below for your viewing pleasure. Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Dennis Bondi 3.71 4.06 4.53 5.76 18.06 2 Art Schoner 5.28 5.64 3.67 3.93 18.52 3.67 3 Courtney Bolze 9.11 4.74 3.98 7.71 25.54 4 Tom Aston 5.65 5.64 8.88 8.59 28.76 NFS Dennis Bondi 4.98 4.67 4.84 55.00 69.49 5 Ray Neiderhiser 6.62 55.00 4.37 12.88 78.87 6 Chris Covert 25.00 25.00 8.90 25.00 83.90 Major 1 Terry Miltier 5.11 4.93 5.93 4.81 20.78 4.81 2 Ray Neiderhiser 11.68 7.42 6.62 11.54 37.26 3 Art Schoner 12.22 25.00 7.99 10.21 55.42 4 Courtney Bolze 10.62 6.76 45.00 10.57 72.95 5 Tom Aston 25.00 6.18 35.00 8.93 75.11 6 Dennis Bondi 25.00 35.00 35.00 11.69 106.69 7 Chris Covert 55.00 55.00 45.00 45.00 200.00 Minor NFS Terry Miltier 7.71 5.33 7.32 7.48 27.84 5.33 1 Dennis Bondi 7.31 7.29 8.15 5.50 28.25 2 Terry Miltier 8.67 9.04 7.37 9.38 34.46 3 Ray Neiderhiser 10.39 8.58 7.49 8.27 34.73 4 Courtney Bolze 7.83 8.00 10.04 8.88 34.75 5 Tom Aston 8.90 8.85 14.98 11.65 44.38 6 Art …

The November Thanksgiving Bowling Pin Shoot

Gentle Shooters, We are winding down to the end of our season. November and December mark the end the bowling pin shooting calendar until April of 2019. This Saturday, November 3rd will mark the second to the last match of the year.  Join your friends or make new ones at the Airfield Shooting Club Match at our range in beautiful Wakefield, VA. We begin at 9:30. For directions to the range and rules and descriptions of the match, please see our web site at If you have any questions or would like to discuss the match, please reach out to our associate adjunct chief assistant pinhead at [email protected]

The Fall Classic Bowling Pin Match Results

Yes Gentle Shooters, your match management has our collective act together this month with timely posting of our match results. Up next month, match management will remember to bring our firearms to the match… At least Art did win carbine! Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Art Schoner 3.74 2.93 3.90 3.53 14.10 2 Charles Lankford 2.61 7.16 2.81 4.11 16.69 2.81 3 Courtney Bolze 5.41 3.96 4.55 3.11 17.03 4 Catie Foster 6.01 5.70 5.70 6.16 23.57 5 Dennis Bondi 6.08 8.64 6.81 9.75 31.28 6 Chris Covert 25.00 45.00 9.62 12.70 92.32 Major 1 Courtney Bolze 11.36 11.54 7.37 9.89 40.16 7.37 2 Cal Genereux 35.00 11.59 12.68 12.82 72.09 3 Dennis Bondi 25.00 25.00 11.00 14.98 75.98 4 Charles Lankford 12.37 65.00 8.32 7.97 93.66 Minor 1 Courtney Bolze 7.32 9.81 8.23 6.92 32.28 2 Charles Lankford 12.23 6.84 6.88 8.60 34.55 3 Dennis Bondi 14.78 35.00 25.00 11.76 86.54 4 Michael Lawler 25.00 4.65 35.00 25.00 89.65 4.65 5 Ashburn 45.00 45.00 45.00 35.00 170.00 6 Chewy 75.00 45.00 45.00 85.00 250.00 7 Catie Foster 75.00 95.00 95.00 85.00 350.00 Revolver 1 Courtney Bolze 5.76 5.20 …

The Fall Classic Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters, The Airfield Shooting club is pleased to host our latest installment of “how the pins fall” this Saturday, October 6th beginning at 9:30 AM at our club range in beautiful Wakefield VA. We are finally getting into fall weather, so grab some of your favorite pistols and carbines and ride out to the range. All of your shooting buddies will be there. For detailed match descriptions and directions to the range, please see our web site at For specific questions about the match, please contact our resident Assistant Chief Pinhead at [email protected]. Steven

September Bowling Pin Results

Greetings Gentle Shooters. I have spent the last few minutes struggling for an appropriate excuse for the extraordinary and inexcusable delay in posting these results. I gave a lot of credit to the hurricane, a mythical dog I don’t own that ate the results, etc and nothing felt right. Let’s just say I have done a crummy job. Heck, I will volunteer to have my match director pay cut in half. I have promised before not to let this happen again, so I won’t bother with that. I am going with please forgive me. With that said, here are our results. Next match is Saturday, October 6th at 9:30 in Wakefield. Steven Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Courtney Bolze 7.16 5.22 5.42 5.81 23.61 2 Dennis Bondi 7.25 6.31 9.15 4.97 27.68 4.97 3 Ray Neiderhiser 5.86 8.21 55.00 7.25 76.32 Major 1 Ray Neiderhiser 11.06 6.69 10.86 5.94 34.55 2 Cal Genereux 13.28 25.00 8.09 12.65 59.02 3 Courtney Bolze 35.00 10.78 5.26 9.83 60.87 5.26 4 Dennis Bondi 35.00 45.00 35.00 11.81 126.81 5 Chewy 12.67 45.00 65.00 13.61 136.28 6 Chuck Allard 45.00 55.00 35.00 7.48 …

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