Rules Changes July 2020

Dear Club Members,


After a period of 6 months, we have finally finished and approved a major revision to the Club Rules Document. 


Rules Changes July 2020


This document has undergone a SIGNIFICANT rewrite.  The format and organization have completely changed to make it easier to find information.  There has been a lot of effort to make things easier to read and clarify items.  The changes in content are primarily focused on the following areas:


  1. Moved Guest “rules” from Bylaws to Rules
  2. Moved Facilities “rules” from Bylaws to Rules
  3. Added drawing from the holster – made it clear that drawing form the holster is authorized but muzzle control is paramount (no sweeping of people on the line)
  4. Added target section to include steel rules.  This covers where steel can be placed (Only at the berm on any range), covers minimum distance, covers how to hang the targets etc.  Also provided pictures on where to place paper targets on backers.
  5. Modified Cold Range slightly.  In particular if a member wishes to use a table to place targets on a backer, you must use an empty table or if you are doing it at your shooting point, the gun must be removed (placed in a rack) or cased.  If there are two people shooting at a table the other person does not have to case their firearms.
  6. Added Emergency Procedures in the RSO manual as well as added more detail on how to call the range as an RSO.


We will have the rules laminated and placed on the board on the 50 in the near future.  In the meantime, the rules will be placed in the log book binders in the 100m Range and also the Low house on the Shotgun Field.  We will also have Incident report forms in these locations.


It is expected as responsible members that you read the document over and become familiar with it before heading out to the range.  Please be patient with each other as we get use to some of the new changes.  If there are any questions you can email


Thank you!


Scott Sampson #762

ASC Chief Instructor

Last Updated on 4 years by Jon Welters

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