The Independence Day Pin Shoot Results

We normally hold our Dog Days match in August, but this match certainly could have qualified from a temperature perspective. It could have also been easily called the Rust-Oleum and Naval Jelly match since it has been a full half year since any of our competitors have faced the pins. Nevertheless there were some fantastic scores. Courtney Bolze’s rocking new Kriss Vector sporting a new optical sight nearly edged Art Schoner despite a personal best and fastest string of 2.88 seconds. And a note of the passing of the torch to the next generation. Ellie Gordon smoked her dad in Carbine to place third overall in her first recorded pin match, of course using his gun to beat him.  Results are below. Our next match is August 1. See you there.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
Carbine Art Schoner 4.12 6.54 4.18 2.88 17.72 2.88
Courtney Bolze 4.79 4.49 5.74 3.12 18.14
Ellie Gordon 3.45 9.72 4.60 2.80 20.57
Dennis Bondi 4.65 8.73 6.13 7.63 27.14
George Francis 8.36 10.41 8.08 9.60 36.45
Steven Gordon 2.98 4.01 25.00 4.77 36.76
Tom Aston 14.29 8.96 9.11 7.59 39.95
Amanda Aston 9.91 55.00 45.00 35.00 144.91
NFS Terry Miltier 4.11 4.74 3.80 3.86 16.51
Terry Miltier 5.56 7.72 5.35 5.56 24.19 5.35
Brian Howell 7.20 5.57 8.33 10.06 31.16
Tom Aston 25 7.86 7.11 6.15 46.12
George Francis 13.21 7.51 25.00 7.62 53.34
Dennis Bondi 25.00 25.00 10.87 11.71 72.58
Courtney Bolze 45 11.16 7.65 25.00 88.81
Art Schoner 25 9.81 11.20 45.00 91.01
Steven Gordon 13.72 45.00 65.00 10.61 134.33
Amanda Aston 45.00 35.00 35.00 55.00 170.00
Ellie Gordon 55.00 45.00 45.00 65.00 210.00
Terry Miltier 7.99 4.73 4.61 4.57 21.90 4.57
NFS Terry Miltier 7.75 6.15 4.76 4.39 23.05
Brian Howell 8.41 6.20 10.37 10.62 35.60
Art Schoner 11.64 14.04 7.40 10.81 43.89
Courtney Bolze 12.02 10.59 14.10 13.83 50.54
Tom Aston 14.12 9.86 10.20 35.00 69.18
NFS Patrick Connolli 11.10 25.00 25.00 9.68 70.78
Dennis Bondi 10.86 25.00 14.56 25.00 75.42
George Francis 35.00 12.46 13.82 25.00 86.28
Steven Gordon 14.86 25.00 35.00 25.00 99.86
Patrick Connolli 55.00 85.00 65.00 55.00 260.00
Amanda Aston 75.00 75.00 85.00 75.00 310.00
Terry Miltier 5.53 4.90 6.26 4.66 21.35 4.90
Dennis Bondi 5.76 5.65 8.36 8.52 28.29
Courtney Bolze 5.74 6.60 25.00 8.68 46.02
Art Schoner 45 25.00 25.00 12.82 107.82
Tom Aston 35 85.00 8.75 8.89 137.64
George Francis 35.00 55.00 55.00 35.00 180.00
Amanda Aston 55.00 55.00 35.00 45.00 190.00
Brian Howell 5.59 7.30 7.30 13.42 33.61 5.59
Courtney Bolze 9.37 6.63 7.46 10.85 34.31
George Francis 8.12 25.00 8.86 7.70 49.68
Art Schoner 9.93 14.84 35.00 25.00 84.77
Tom Aston 65 65.00 11.24 11.68 152.92
Amanda Aston 65.00 65.00 35.00 25.00 190.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Courtney Bolze 18.14 88.81 50.54 46.02 34.31 237.82
Art Schoner 17.72 91.01 43.89 107.82 84.77 345.21
George Francis 36.45 53.34 86.28 180.00 49.68 405.75
Tom Aston 39.95 46.12 69.18 137.64 152.92 445.81
Amanda Aston 144.91 170 310 190 190 1004.91

Last Updated on 4 years by Steven Gordon

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