ASC Pistol Class with Concealed Carry Information – March 22nd

On March 22, 2025, the Airfield Shooting Club (ASC) is hosting a Pistol Class including sections on the Law of Concealed Carry and Self Defense and Methods of Concealed Carry.
The ASC Pistol Class is intended to provide hands-on orientation to the safe handling of handguns and includes both
classroom and live-fire training. Our instructors teach both revolver and semi-auto sections in this class. In addition to
the ASC Pistol Class, over an hour long session is scheduled with Timothy W. Drewry, a Virginia licensed attorney,
who will discuss some of the legal aspects of carrying concealed firearms and self defense in Virginia. The attorney is a
certified pistol instructor too and usually remains with the class until the very end so that he may answer questions
which may arise. An additional segment of the course will include a brief discussion of some of the firearms appropriate
for concealed carry and the holsters or other devices which might be suited for carrying a firearm concealed.
Please note that the ASC Pistol Class, including the legal and concealed carry sections, is a non-NRA course, but it
satisfies the handgun competency requirements set forth in Virginia Code § 18.2-308.02 (B). This course is conducted
by state certified or NRA certified firearms instructors.

Those who successfully complete the ASC Pistol Class will receive a certificate which will serve as
proof of training for the purpose of obtaining a Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit.

The course is scheduled to commence at 9:00 a.m. in the Spain Building located at the Airfield 4-H
Conference Center (near Wakefield). We expect the formal portion of the course will be completed by about
4:00 p.m., however several of the instructors usually remain at the range to help those who want to get some additional
practice with their handguns. It is not necessary that you own a firearm in order to attend these courses. The
instructors will bring some of their personal firearms, which you may borrow. If you have your own firearm, you may
bring it to the range for live fire practice, but please do not bring a loaded firearm to the classroom portion in the
morning. We will do our first work with loaded firearms in the early afternoon.

Cost of the class is $65.00 per participant (nonrefundable unless directed by ASC Board). Must be 18+ years
old to attend and have no legal prohibitions to possess a firearm. Payment should be made to the “Airfield
Shooting Club” and sent attention to Timothy W. Drewry at P.O. Box 523, Wakefield, Virginia 23888. If mailing, include
name(s) of participant(s) and the following for each: phone #; address; and email address. You can also pay
online at the following: . When paying online, choose “ASC Payment
Portal.” Fill in the online payment form including your name, address, phone #, and email. Type “ASC Pistol Class fee”
as reason for paying. If you are an ASC member, insert your number, otherwise you may use “000.” Also when paying
online, send an email to Tim Drewry at his email address below and give him name(s) of participant(s) and the following
for each: phone #; address; and email address. Failure to fully identify participants may prevent them from participating
in course. The course fee includes all class materials, some .22 caliber ammunition and the attorney's fees,
but does not include the cost of any centerfire ammunition. You may bring your own centerfire ammunition to use in
your own firearm or an instructor’s firearm. Note: This course has limited space; the course is filled as payments
are received. It is best to contact Tim Drewry to verify space is still available
before making payment !!!!

If you have any questions, please contact Tim Drewry by email at [email protected]. If you
already have a concealed carry permit, this is a great refresher course, especially
if the first course you took to acquire your permit did not have a lecture on
the laws in Virginia. If you have family, friends and neighbors who wish to acquire
a concealed carry permit, then this course will fully prepare them!!! We
hope you will register for this class and join us on March 22nd !!!


Last Updated on 1 month by Scott Sampson

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