September Bowling Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters,

While we missed several stalwart pin shooters this month Like Cory and Art, who were working a service project for the club, the shooters who made the match were greeted with comfortable temperatures and friendly if overcast skies. As is often the case, best friends battled for supremacy in the carbine class. In what was supposed to be the battle of the Buckhammers, Taylor Strickland and Paul Lynch were set to duke it out on the gray sands of Airfield. But Taylor’s gun jammed in some prematch testing and he dropped back to a 45 ACP carbine. The 45 still reigned supreme, as the results show. While you are only going to see pins do a 360 and nearly land on their bases erect by attending a match, the next best thing are our results, which are listed below.

ASC Bowling Pin Match Results September 2024
Finish Competitor String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Taylor Strickland 2.39 2.24 2.90 2.64 10.17 2.24
2 Paul Lynch 3.09 3.78 4.29 2.74 13.90
3 Courtney Bolze 3.22 4.99 2.90 3.30 14.41
4 Kenny Hardee 3.68 3.69 2.97 5.74 16.08
5 Cort Tompkins 7.25 4.51 4.24 4.31 20.31
6 Steven Gordon 7.26 6.66 7.31 7.59 28.82
7 Dan Kniseley 9.06 8.28 12.67 9.22 39.23
1 Cort Tompkins 5.96 4.77 3.63 4.47 18.83 3.63
2 Kenny Hardee 5.12 7.42 8.41 7.56 28.51
3 Tip Wight 7.12 9.05 8.58 6.30 31.05
4 Taylor Strickland 10.56 6.55 7.55 11.88 36.54
5 Paul Lynch 7.26 25.00 6.59 5.96 44.81
6 Don Aubuchon 7.61 25.00 12.53 13.36 58.50
7 Courtney Bolze 25.00 9.26 10.59 25.00 69.85
8 Daniel Stayner 7.89 45.00 45.00 55.00 152.89
9 Steven Gordon 45.00 65.00 35.00 45.00 190.00
10 Dan Kniseley 55.00 55.00 45.00 45.00 200.00
1 Taylor Strickland 5.26 4.71 5.30 4.90 20.17
2 Cort Tompkins 7.48 4.44 8.48 5.40 25.80 4.44
3 Kenny Hardee 11.13 5.58 4.90 7.82 29.43
4 Paul Lynch 9.79 6.75 5.67 25.00 47.21
5 Dan Kniseley 12.96 12.90 25.00 10.20 61.06
6 Tip Wight 13.77 25.00 14.89 11.27 64.93
7 Shane Pouns 35.00 11.65 8.77 10.72 66.14
8 Don Aubuchon 35.00 13.16 9.80 14.72 72.68
9 Courtney Bolze 35.00 6.70 10.85 45.00 97.55
NFS Shane Pouns 55.00 25.00 12.32 12.14 104.46
10 Steven Gordon 14.02 75.00 8.47 35.00 132.49
1 Cort Tompkins 3.13 3.33 3.04 3.00 12.50 3.00
2 Kenny Hardee 25.00 3.90 4.41 4.53 37.84
3 Taylor Strickland 9.72 12.38 9.37 9.12 40.59
4 Courtney Bolze 5.74 6.84 35.00 7.18 54.76
5 Tip Wight 6.23 25.00 6.52 25.00 62.75
6 Paul Lynch 9.52 9.95 5.95 45.00 70.42
7 Steven Gordon 14.46 10.49 25.00 25.00 74.95
8 Dan Kniseley 25.00 6.44 8.54 35.00 74.98
9 Don Aubuchon 35.00 9.27 45.00 25.00 114.27
10 Daniel Stayner 45.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 130.00
1 Cort Tompkins 7.06 4.06 3.98 3.50 18.60 3.50
2 Kenny Hardee 4.88 5.90 25.00 4.92 40.70
3 Courtney Bolze 6.39 6.64 4.41 25.00 42.44
4 Paul Lynch 25.00 10.00 5.94 7.19 48.13
5 Dan Kniseley 5.91 10.88 25.00 8.39 50.18
6 Taylor Strickland 35.00 7.80 10.91 4.87 58.58
7 Steven Gordon 10.05 5.44 35.00 9.85 60.34
8 Tip Wight 9.58 10.60 35.00 35.00 90.18
9 Don Aubuchon 45.00 25.00 65.00 25.00 160.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Cort Tompkins 20.31 18.83 25.80 12.50 18.60 96.04
Kenny Hardee 16.08 28.51 29.43 37.84 40.70 152.56
Taylor Strickland 10.17 36.54 20.17 40.59 58.58 166.05
Paul Lynch 13.90 44.81 47.21 70.42 48.13 224.47
Courtney Bolze 14.41 69.85 97.55 54.76 42.44 279.01
Dan Kniseley 39.23 200.00 61.06 74.98 50.18 425.45
Steven Gordon 28.82 190.00 132.49 74.95 60.34 486.60

Last Updated on 6 months by Steven Gordon

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