Make Payment

The new ASC Payment Portal is located here:
ASC Payment Portal

Attention: Members when paying please be sure to specify your member ID and the reason for payment, to be sure we are able to track it properly.

Skeet and Trap usage payments.

Please select Shotgun Fees from the Purpose For Payment drop down.. Please be sure to specify your member ID in the ASC Member ID box.

* New Member Initiation Fee *

If you are a new member and need to pay your Non-refundable initiation fee prior to a new member orientation, please conduct the following: Click on “ASC Payment Portal” above. Choose “Membership” from the Purpose For Payment drop down.  The amount is $50 per person. Please include your name(s) and “initiation fee” in the Payment Description box when filling out the payment form. If it mandates an ASC member number just type “8888” in it. If for some reason you are unable to attend our orientation, you will be given one year to make another orientation.

** For Membership Renewals **

Please select Membership from the Purpose For Payment drop down.. Please be sure to specify your member ID in the ASC Member ID box…

*Note* NRA renewals; Please Do not pay for NRA renewal through ASC’s online payment system…
To join the NRA or renew your membership and receive a discount < Click Here >.

Questions / issues please email the Secretary.

*Note* that if you are paying dues you agree to the following: I, as a citizen or legal resident of the United States of America, understand that my membership in Airfield Shooting Club will depend upon compliance to the ASC By-Laws, Range Rules, decisions by the Club Officers and my ability to legally own and/or possess firearms in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Women on Target (WOT) and Women’s Sports Shooting Day

Use the following guidance on the payment portal:

CUSTOMER NUMBER Field – enter “9999”
INVOICE NUMBER  – leave blank
PAYMENT REASON – include either “WOT ” or “WSSD” with the name(s) of the person(s) you are paying for.
The amount is $75/person.

ASC Pistol Class

Please select Class Fees from the Purpose For Payment drop down.. Please include participants names in the Payment Description box when filling out the payment form.

Last Updated on 6 months by Scott Sampson

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