Dog Days Pin Shoot Results

Gentle Shooters,

The Dog Days match lived up to its reputation this year. The shooting was fun and there were the exceptional moments. Kenny Hardee took out a pin in mid fall before it could knock two others flat and ruin his string. Taylor Strickland dominated with an entirely clean shoot on his way to a sweep of the five gun.  Our next match is September 7th. See you then. Results are below.


ASC Bowling Pin Match Results August 2024
Finish Competitor String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Taylor Strickland 2.28 2.40 2.90 2.95 10.53 2.28
2 Steven Gordon 3.74 3.36 3.12 2.95 13.17
3 Paul Lynch 2.55 4.81 4.45 3.18 14.99
4 Kenny Hardee 8.18 3.23 4.92 5.92 22.25
5 Art Schoner 6.22 4.25 6.40 5.71 22.58
6 Curtis Stone 8.81 6.47 7.15 5.40 27.83
7 Habib Bararat 13.14 7.17 11.06 7.19 38.56
8 Allen Moran 55.00 5.32 9.88 7.50 77.70
9 Chris Covert 65.00 6.81 13.30 25.00 110.11
10 Josh Stone 55.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 140.00
1 Kenny Hardee 5.98 7.71 8.91 6.84 29.44
2 Paul Lynch 4.37 10.77 6.03 9.61 30.78 4.37
4 Steven Gordon 9.83 8.46 11.03 7.40 36.72
4 Taylor Strickland 11.07 10.78 14.87 6.69 43.41
5 Phillip Van Cleave 9.06 12.31 11.15 13.47 45.99
6 Art Schoner 35.00 6.86 7.71 9.36 58.93
7 Allen Moran 9.59 7.03 35.00 13.17 64.79
8 Curtis Stone 9.34 10.58 25.00 45.00 89.92
9 Josh Stone 45.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 130.00
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 10.44 25.00 45.00 55.00 135.44
10 Habib Bararat 55.00 55.00 25.00 25.00 160.00
1 Kenny Hardee 7.35 5.53 5.13 5.84 23.85 5.13
2 Taylor Strickland 11.15 6.98 6.53 9.08 33.74
3 Paul Lynch 11.41 11.17 6.88 6.42 35.88
4 Phillip Van Cleave 9.18 9.54 8.62 12.49 39.83
5 Allen Moran 25.00 11.82 11.61 13.30 61.73
6 Art Schoner 45.00 9.83 8.73 10.40 73.96
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 7.11 12.82 55.00 9.48 84.41
NFS Tom Landreth 14.17 14.54 25.00 36.00 89.71
7 Steven Gordon 45.00 35.00 10.78 35.00 125.78
8 Curtis Stone 55.00 11.68 85.00 13.64 165.32
9 Tom Landreth 65.00 35.00 45.00 25.00 170.00
10 Jacob Waterworth 85.00 55.00 45.00 65.00 250.00
11 Josh Stone 65.00 65.00 75.00 75.00 280.00
12 Chris Covert 75.00 75.00 75.00 65.00 290.00
13 Ian McHale 95.00 85.00 75.00 65.00 320.00
1 Taylor Strickland 12.30 13.75 10.09 8.00 44.14
2 Kenny Hardee 6.39 5.11 6.62 35.00 53.12 5.11
3 Art Schoner 7.70 7.28 25.00 25.00 64.98
4 Steven Gordon 9.15 25.00 25.00 10.83 69.98
5 Curtis Stone 25.00 25.00 25.00 11.45 86.45
6 Allen Moran 35.00 45.00 9.35 5.88 95.23
7 Paul Lynch 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 100.00
8 Josh Stone 65.00 55.00 55.00 35.00 210.00
1 Taylor Strickland 8.48 5.52 4.44 7.94 26.38 4.44
NFS Kenny Hardee 6.17 5.33 6.84 8.90 27.24
2 Allen Moran 5.97 6.35 9.87 7.21 29.40
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 8.32 5.83 7.64 10.41 32.20
3 Phillip Van Cleave 25.00 10.37 7.59 8.75 51.71
4 Steven Gordon 10.92 25.00 7.80 9.25 52.97
5 Curtis Stone 35.00 5.30 7.81 8.61 56.72
6 Art Schoner 25.00 25.00 7.30 9.55 66.85
7 Kenny Hardee 7.25 6.34 8.40 45.00 66.99
8 Paul Lynch 25.00 45.00 14.16 10.03 94.19
9 Tom Landreth 9.67 35.00 65.00 35.00 144.67
10 Chris Covert 35.00 35.00 35.00 45.00 150.00
11 Josh Stone 45.00 55.00 65.00 45.00 210.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Taylor Strickland 10.53 43.41 33.74 44.14 26.38 158.20
2 Kenny Hardee 22.25 29.44 23.85 53.12 66.99 195.65
3 Paul Lynch 14.99 30.78 35.88 100.00 94.19 275.84
4 Art Schoner 22.58 58.93 73.96 64.98 66.85 287.30
5 Steven Gordon 13.17 36.72 125.78 69.98 52.97 298.62
6 Allen Moran 77.70 64.79 61.73 95.23 29.40 328.85
7 Curtis Stone 27.83 89.92 165.32 86.45 56.72 426.24
8 Josh Stone 140.00 130.00 280.00 210.00 210.00 970.00

Last Updated on 8 months by Steven Gordon

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