Bowling Pin Smack Down Shoot Results

Gentle Shooters, For once, we encountered gentle weather in November and our 16 shooters made the most of it. There were some truly wonderful scores posted including a perfect run by Cort Tompkins. He left no pins standing through all five disciplines, easily besting all comers for five gun. The last match of the 2022 season is Saturday, December 3rd. After that, the guns of our bowling pin alley will be quiet until April. Your results are below. Steven 2022 November Results

Bowling Pin Smackdown

Gentle Shooters, If you are a bowler or a pin shooter, you know the humiliation, the horror, and the 15 seconds that a standing bowling pin can exact on a person. This Saturday morning, at 9:30 at the Airfield Shooting Club range in scenic Wakefield, Virginia, you, yes you, can strike back. Bring your wrath, your handguns and carbines, and your skills to Sussex County November 5th. We have directions and rules for the match at Specific questions go to the pinhead at [email protected]. Go ahead, ask him anything, but remember he is a pinhead. Steven

Labor Day Bowling Pin Match Results

Gentle  Shooters, We had another nice turnout at our Bowling Pin Match this weekend. Seventeen shooters braved a group of dastardly targets, highlighted by pins wearing what must have been green body armor. That is my story for my scores and I sticking to it. There was a lot of humidity and it appeared to rust up more than one trigger finger. Our toasty, hot weather scores are posted below for your viewing pleasure. Our next match is October 1st. Steven 2022 September ASC Pin Match Results

Dog Days Bowling Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters, We had a nice mix of veteran and new shooters at the match this month. Overcast conditions made shooting much more tolerable than expected for August. Thanks to all of our veteran shooters who pitched in with timing and scoring duties to get all of the competitors in and us off the range in a timely manner. Our next match is Labor Day Weekend Saturday September 3rd. until then, celebrate or weep over the scores below. Airfield Shooting Club Bowling Pin Match Results August 6, 2022 Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Cort Tompkins 3.17 3.73 3.13 3.59 13.62 3.13 2 Taylor Strickland 4.05 5.86 3.19 3.23 16.33 3 Steven Gordon 5.27 3.85 6.18 4.34 19.64 4 Brian Wells 3.31 25.00 3.55 25.00 56.86 5 Allen Moran 10.68 4.75 4.64 45.00 65.07 Major 1 Paul Lynch 8.86 6.62 5.99 7.49 28.96 5.99 2 Cort Tompkins 13.89 8.62 6.78 12.26 41.55 3 Steven Gordon 8.50 11.75 9.38 13.36 42.99 4 Brian Wells 8.06 7.41 25.00 8.67 49.14 5 Tip Wight 6.54 25.00 5.23 25.00 61.77 6 Allen Moran 45.00 9.61 6.76 10.99 72.36 Minor 1 Allen Moran 11.25 6.66 …

Dog Days Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters, How about attending a fun match this Saturday Morning. If you have never been to a bowling pin match, you have the opportunity to fix that this very Saturday, August 6th at 9:30. The matches are action packed and a lot of fun. Basically, you shoot full size bowling pins off a table with handguns at 25 feet with the shortest amount of time winning. There are reduced targets for .22 and we even shoot pistol caliber carbines. More information on the matches can be found here. The match is at the Airfield Shooting Club range in Wakefield. For directions, see our about page. For specific questions about our match, please email our resident adjunct chief assistant pinhead at [email protected]. See you Saturday, Steven  

November Bowling Pin Results

Gentle Shooters, Today was just a nice day to share some camaraderie and pelt pins at the range. It only started to rain after we finished. Thanks to everyone who came out today. We will have one more match to close out our season Saturday, December 4th. Our results from the match are posted below. Steven Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Steven Gordon 2.64 3.29 3.86 4.61 14.40 2.64 2 Art Schoner 4.46 3.62 3.34 4.05 15.47 3 Brian Wells 3.15 3.24 5.44 5.32 17.15 4 Dale Mullin 8.35 4.73 4.32 5.96 23.36 5 Taylor Strickland 4.86 8.12 9.76 7.36 30.10 Major 1 Brian Howell 5.76 5.92 6.28 4.97 22.93 2 Steven Gordon 4.72 7.56 5.57 10.62 28.47 4.72 3 Taylor Strickland 4.99 5.43 11.05 7.57 29.04 4 Brian Wells 7.58 6.37 5.46 25.00 44.41 5 Dale Mullin 10.34 12.36 45.00 35.00 102.70 6 David Magoon 45.00 35.00 55.00 55.00 190.00 Minor 1 Brian Howell 4.91 6.77 6.68 6.85 25.21 4.91 2 Steven Gordon 6.06 6.90 6.87 7.32 27.15 3 Paul Lynch 12.07 25.00 13.76 6.63 57.46 4 Dale Mullin 25.00 12.53 10.42 35.00 82.95 NFS Paul Lynch 12.69 …

November Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters, We have ordered up crisp fall weather for Saturday morning, November 6th for the next installment of “how the pins fall.” Please join us for a fun filled competition at 9:30 at the engaging Airfield Shooting Club range in awesome Wakefield, VA. Directions and rules for the match are posted on the ASC website Specific questions can be directed to the acting undersecretary of  pinhead affairs at [email protected]. See you Saturday. Steven

October Bowling Pin Match Results

Greetings Gentle Shooters, I’d like to apologize for the tardy scores this month. The hotel I was staying at over the weekend had a broken printer. The screen on my laptop is pretty small, so I was not able to compile the scores until this evening when I arrived home. I’d like to point out that we have yet another record for lowest all time carbine string at 2.24 seconds. I am getting tired of having to congratulate Mr. Schoner month after month. Art, can you get under two seconds and end this madness? Steven Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Art Schoner 3.36 5.70 2.72 2.24 14.02 2.24 2 Dale Mullin 4.52 5.44 4.59 4.59 19.14 3 Taylor Strickland 6.97 3.78 4.64 4.22 19.61 4 Courtney Bolze 2.86 6.33 6.16 4.34 19.69 5 Brian Wells 7.93 8.35 6.77 4.23 27.28 Major 1 Brian Wells 7.97 6.66 7.98 5.04 27.65 5.04 2 Rick McNelly 11.46 6.79 9.05 7.48 34.78 3 Brian Howell 25.00 7.38 5.16 5.90 43.44 4 Taylor Strickland 8.96 25.00 11.28 7.26 52.50 5 Art Schoner 6.05 12.74 10.24 25.00 54.03 6 Courtney Bolze 8.15 9.01 35.00 9.12 …

October Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters, We are pleased to invite you to the October Bowling Pin match this Saturday, October 2nd at the stunning Airfield Shooting Club range in extraordinary Wakefield, VA. As usual, we will gather at 9:30. Rules for the match and directions to the club are located on the Airfield Shooting Club web page Specific questions can be sent to our resident adjunct associate chief pinhead at [email protected]

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