One of the main tenants of the ASC mission is to help educate its members and the community about firearms. To support that effort, the Chief Instructor has developed an Instructor Cadre to help fulfill this portion of the ASC Mission. The Instructor Cadre is a group of ASC members that are volunteers who have instructor certifications and are working to develop a broad selection of educational classes to offer. Together we are attempting to bring classes that are of interest to the ASC membership and the outside community. This list of training will change routinely so please check back often. For questions or interest please contact the Chief Instructor at
ASC Planned Training
February 15th, 2025 – Shooting at Speed. This class will help you maintain the control of a gun as you increase speed of your shooting. You will be taught some self diagnostic drills and techniques to help keep rounds on target. Students should bring minimum 200 rounds. This will be held after the board meeting from 1pm to 4 pm. Students should bring a holster, magazine pouch (or big pockets) several magazines or speed loaders. This class we will not be shooting from the holster, we are only using the holster to hold the gun rather than using tables. Cost is $40 for members and $50 for non-members. Sign up here:
March 22nd – ASC Basic Pistol Class with Concealed Carry Information. This basic pistol class will provide the basics of handgun ownership (safety, pistol parts and operation, ammunition, shooting fundamentals and more. The class will also have a legal portion about concealed carry and examples of different methods of carrying. The cost of this will be $65 for all attendees. To sign up or obtain more information please contact Tim Drewry at
April 19th, 2025 – Drawing from Concealment. This class will teach you how to draw from concealment, things to consider about clothing. This is not so much a shooting class as it is to learn the process of the draw stroke. We will evaluate your concealed carry gear (holster/belt), what to wear and how to draw from concealment. This will be held after the board meeting from 1 pm to 4. Students should bring cover garment, gun & magazines, holster, good gun belt and about 50 rounds of ammo. Cost for this class will be $40 for members and $50 for non-members.
July 19th, 2025 – Shooting One Handed. This class will help you learn or start to perfect your one handed shooting with both your strong and support hand. You will learn some drills and techniques that you can use to determine the best method for you. Students should bring a gun and minimum of 200 rounds. If you have multiple magazines that would be great to bring. Cost for this class is $40 for members and $50 for non-members.
NRA Marksmanship Qualification Days. These will be held once a quarter. We will have instructors available to help you achieve your NRA Marksmanship Qualification, with the ultimate goal being Distinguished Expert in different disciplines. These events will be free to members. Come on out and show your stuff.
Shotgun Classes – Dates TBD. We will be conducting some shotgun orientation and trap and skeet orientation.
Non ASC Sponsored Training
The following training organizations are not endorsed by ASC, but we are providing them for information and convenience of our members:
- Oak Hill Farms Range – Owned by Keith Dunn. Classes conducted by him or outside companies.
- Sampson Consulting – Owned by Scott Sampson. Classes conducted by him.
Last Updated on 1 month by Scott Sampson