December Bowling Pin Match results

Gentle Shooters,

We draw to the close of another year of Bowling Pin shooting. Thanks to all of our competitors who come out month after month, set up, tear down, and support and even heckle our shooting community. I have to say that I am not worthy of this group that I find myself a part of. It is pleasure to know and get to shoot with each and every one of you. I learn something every time I set foot on the range with all of you. I hope to see all of you around the range this winter and certainly on Saturday, April 6 at 9:30 in the morning at the stunning ASC range for the next installment of how the pins fall. You final scores are posted below, but stay tuned for the 2023 and all time recap coming to a club newsletter near you.


String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Cory Allen 2.89 2.61 3.90 2.68 12.08
2 Art Schoner 4.32 2.87 2.58 4.96 14.73 2.58
3 Taylor Strickland 10.59 3.11 4.13 3.06 20.89
4 Rod Quiros 5.87 8.92 8.92 4.30 28.01
5 Kenny Hardee 12.26 6.61 8.04 5.77 32.68
6 Benaiuh Goodman 14.10 13.23 35.00 35.00 97.33
NFS Chris Covert 12.43 9.13 35.00 45.00 101.56
7 Chris Covert 10.60 35.00 25.00 35.00 105.60
8 Jamar Goodman 45.00 55.00 55.00 65.00 220.00
1 Phillip Van Cleave 5.89 8.42 9.11 8.52 31.94 5.89
2 Charles Lankford 13.42 7.28 9.66 12.11 42.47
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 9.55 9.11 10.49 13.58 42.73
3 Cory Allen 10.49 11.55 12.37 12.87 47.28
4 Rod Quiros 25.00 11.54 9.67 9.28 55.49
5 Jamar Goodman 7.83 13.59 25.00 13.82 60.24
6 Kenny Hardee 12.37 8.79 35.00 8.95 65.11
7 Art Schoner 10.20 25.00 25.00 25.00 85.20
8 Taylor Strickland 35.00 7.88 10.30 35.00 88.18
NFS Matt Altekruse 25.00 25.00 10.25 45.00 105.25
9 Matt Altekruse 55.00 6.96 8.54 35.00 105.50
10 Benaiuh Goodman 35.00 35.00 55.00 11.73 136.73
1 Rod Quiros 6.50 5.03 6.53 7.31 25.37 5.03
2 Kenny Hardee 7.04 6.78 6.45 7.31 27.58
3 Taylor Strickland 5.92 8.91 7.80 7.42 30.05
4 Matt Altekruse 8.77 5.55 9.20 7.96 31.48
5 Charles Lankford 6.75 13.41 7.59 7.31 35.06
6 Phillip Van Cleave 8.88 8.30 10.44 7.91 35.53
NFS Matt Altekruse 11.93 9.74 10.95 10.00 42.62
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 11.06 10.96 10.00 35.00 67.02
7 Art Schoner 35.00 9.90 11.00 13.22 69.12
8 Cory Allen 35.00 13.29 55.00 12.60 115.89
9 Brenda Norton 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 340.00
1 Charles Lankford 5.72 25.00 7.37 4.70 42.79 4.70
2 Art Schoner 25.00 25.00 7.23 6.14 63.37
3 Cory Allen 7.94 25.00 25.00 25.00 82.94
4 Taylor Strickland 35.00 65.00 65.00 35.00 200.00
1 Cory Allen 6.63 8.17 5.11 6.55 26.46 5.11
2 Taylor Strickland 9.11 7.04 7.80 5.15 29.10
3 Kenny Hardee 8.92 7.02 6.37 8.59 30.90
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 7.96 8.36 7.66 11.97 35.95
4 Art Schoner 9.82 7.87 12.62 6.37 36.68
5 Phillip Van Cleave 9.28 11.36 5.88 12.32 38.84
6 Charles Lankford 13.87 8.90 9.27 7.88 39.92
7 Chris Covert 35.00 25.00 25.00 14.76 99.76
NFS Chris Covert 12.22 45.00 45.00 25.00 127.22
8 Brenda Norton 65.00 25.00 35.00 65.00 190.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Art Schoner 14.73 85.2 69.12 63.37 36.68 269.10
2 Cory Allen 12.08 47.28 115.89 82.94 26.46 284.65
3 Taylor Strickland 20.89 88.18 30.05 200 29.1 368.22

Last Updated on 11 months by Steven Gordon

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