Are They Doing That Bowling Pin Thing Again?

Yes Virginia, yes we are. We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Bowling Pin Match season kicks off this Saturday, April 3rd at 9:30. As always, the match is at the ASC range in bucolic Wakefield VA. The 2021 tables are built and the pins have been procured in the off season. If you have ever wanted to shoot on brand new tables, (we have seen you shoot so trust me) this is your only chance this year to do so. The rules have not changed for 2021, but it never hurts to refresh yourself. You can find them along with the the directions to the match at And of course, our resident assistant chief adjunct pinhead is always available at [email protected] for those more perplexing questions like should is use a 9mm for carbine. (not if you want to beat Art)

See you Saturday


Last Updated on 4 years by Steven Gordon

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